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IBM Data Roadmap

Business innovation driven by generative AI is fueled by open data stores, formats, and engines; a product-oriented data fabric; and the infusion of AI at all levels to radically improve data consumption.


Strategic milestones

All information being released represents IBM’s current intent, is subject to change or withdrawal, and represents only goals and objectives.

You can learn more about the progress of individual items by downloading the PDF in the top right corner.


Enable ubiquitous multicloud workloads with open engines/formats attaining parity.

By 2025, the performance and management of pluggable open engines processing open-format data will reach parity with proprietary online analytical processing (OLAP) solutions, enabling secure, multicloud, data-centric workloads to become ubiquitous.

Why this matters for our clients and the world

Enterprises will be able to prepare and access data products simply and securely, independent of location. The parity of open formats and exchangeable engines will eliminate lock-in via approaches like OneTable.

The technologies and innovations that will make this possible

AI will optimize where and how data is stored, moved, and transformed. Building on open formats, automated composition of the data stack, and query components will enable custom-fit solutions. Multi-modal handling techniques will unlock value in more unstructured data. Multicloud technologies will enable transparent, governed access to unstructured and structured data regardless of location.

How these advancements will be delivered to IBM clients and partners

z/OS data will be available through cloud services and secured with fully homomorphic encryption, multi-party computation, etc. Compliance with data governance will be offered using code-driven processes instead of post-fact forms. Twinning/mirroring across IBM data stores will improve the access to data. Global caching will reduce replication penalties.