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Accelerating your B2B startup
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The acceleration path

For entrepreneur teams looking to scale their solution and sales through a mix of digital and F2F sales across Sweden, Nordic or Europe we provide an Acceleration path. We scale your routes to market by helping to establish a sales partner program leveraging IBM business partner ecosystem and distributors. Introduction to IBM global industry leaders and offering managers are made for potential collaborations. We also revisit your service architecture to ensure geographic and user scalability.

Both paths leverage the startup with IBM cloud program offering up to 10000USD/month in cloud credits during 12 months, more here.

How to apply? 1

Fill out the application form to tell us about your solution, your team and the market you are in.

Apply here

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to meet.


We continuously assess and accept teams. Let’s collaborate!

Program graduation

Continue your relationship as an IBM Business Partner

Upon reaching program graduation we hope to have earned your trust making you decide to continue relying on IBM tech while delivering your services. An introduction will be made to your new primary contact within IBM ecosystem including a dialogue about your current monthly cloud spend, suggesting modifications based on workload if needed. If it fits your business plan we guide you in becoming a fully fledged IBM Business Partner with access to trainings, certifications, Co-Marketing programs and more.

Eligibility conditions

We look for B2B or B2B2C companies with SaaS or a solution for business alternately IT in these industries: Banking & Insurance | Manufacturing & Automation | Healthcare & Government | Retail | Energy & Utilities | Metals & Mining | Telco.


Media & Entertainment. These are the assessments criteria’s: 

  1. Seed stage ventures with >6 months runway left.
  2. Cross functional team working full time.
  3. Diversity in founding team.
  4. Target market in growth & high IBM relevancy.
  5. Great VP & high level of innovation.
  6. Environmental, social and economically sustainable goals.
  7. Not competitive to IBM Nordic.
Quick contact details

Do you have any questions? Please, see the About Startup with IBM Accelerator Sweden page or contact us by e-mail for more information.

Contact us by e-mail