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Start building a data foundation for AI with a data fabric

Chapter 06
4 min read

There’s no doubt that data is key to digital transformation and the foundation for AI and machine learning success. It’s therefore imperative that businesses modernize and deploy an information architecture that’s designed to support their AI initiatives.

According to a 2021 study conducted by IBM Institute for Business Value, AI is one of the top 3 technologies CEOs expect will most help deliver results. The study found that 84% of organizations surveyed expected to maintain or increase their level of focus on AI, with nearly a third boosting their AI investments as a direct result of the pandemic.1

With an enterprise data fabric architecture and DataOps methodology, your organization can build a foundation of trusted, compliant data that supports self-service access to enterprise data — residing essentially anywhere — without having to move or copy it. With governance, security and regulatory compliance built into the fabric, your organization will be able to address data quality and privacy challenges arising from a hybrid and multicloud data landscape.

Take the next step

Want to learn more about data fabric or talk about how it can support your AI journey?
Schedule a complimentary one-on-one consultation with an AI expert.

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Resources and solutions

Want to learn more about building a foundation for AI with DataOps and a data fabric?
Here are a few resources that can help.

  • IBM Cloud Pak® for Data enables a distributed data fabric for hybrid multicloud environments. The platform delivers just-in-time access to the right data across clouds and on premises, at the optimum cost, with the appropriate level of governance.
  • Read the white paper on 3 instant benefits of a data fabric (932 KB) for detailed information about how a data fabric can improve data integration, governance and data privacy. Also, learn about IBM implementation options and cross-industry use cases.
  • Watch an on-demand webinar featuring Noel Yuhanna, Forrester VP and Principal Analyst, as he discusses how a data fabric architecture helps enterprises intelligently liberate their data to improve business decisions, enhance the customer experience and drive innovation.
  • Discover answers to the most frequently asked data fabric questions as IBM technical specialists explain which users are most impacted by a data fabric, how the use of a data fabric compares to legacy architectures, and more.

1 2021 CEO Study: Find your essential, IBM Institute for Business Value, 2021.