What should you look for in a digital worker solution?

When deciding which digital worker software solution to purchase, these six criteria can help you make the right selection for your organization.

How can you ensure digital workers are embraced by your employees?

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1. Intelligence

Can the digital worker handle complex requests?

Look for digital workers equipped with memory and the ability to execute based on the context of the work. This allows them to respond to multi-step requests with one ask and to reference previous conversations and tasks as they respond to new ones.

2. Ease of use

Can your employees easily train the digital worker?

While training is required to orient the digital worker, look for digital workers with a variety of built-in skills that can be intuitively deployed and with the ability to add custom skills that support unique workflows. In addition, the ability to understand natural language means the digital worker can more easily interact with human employees and interpret requests for training and work purposes.

3. Speed

How long does it take to get the digital worker up and running?

Look for digital workers that require minimal set up so you can see value immediately – i.e., equipped with out-of-the box skills so non-technical users can quickly connect them to the tools they already use (email, calendars, spreadsheets, Slack, etc.) and begin working right away.

4. Cost

How affordable is the digital worker?

Look for digital workers that won’t break the bank. They should be one of your lower- cost software solutions to maintain as they require no specialized IT support.

5. Flexibility

How easy is it for the digital worker to change?

Look for digital workers that business users can quickly change based on evolving work needs. For example, if a button gets moved on a desktop, the digital worker can recognize the change and adapt rather than needing to ask for human support.

6. Compatibility

What other technologies, systems, and tools does the digital worker work with?

Look for digital workers that are compatible with commonly used business tools, such as Slack, popular email clients, calendar programs, and the Microsoft suite.

Next chapter

To successfully implement digital workers, it’s important to first understand if your business or team is a good fit for them.

Read chapter 5
Ch. 1: What are digital workers and why are they important? Ch. 2: How do digital workers compare to other digital labor solutions? Ch. 3: Where are digital workers being used? Ch. 5: How can you ensure digital workers are embraced by your employees? Ch. 6: How will digital worker technology evolve?