IBM Verify Identity Protection
Prevent your next identity-related cyberattack
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Collage image of an eye, key and redacted login overlayed over various geometric shapes
Protect your organization from identity-based attacks

IBM’s identity threat detect and response (ITDR) and identity security posture management (ISPM) solution provides you with end-to-end visibility into user activity across the hybrid landscape of silo’d IAM tools used across cloud, SaaS, and on-prem applications. IBM Verify Identity Protection provides the ISPM and ITDR functionality to keep your organization safe by:

  • Continuously mapping all access flows across all applications.
  • To detect and remediate previously hidden security gaps such as shadow access, exposed assets, compromised identities, unknown SaaS apps, shadow accesses, lack of MFA and much more.
  • Gaining the visibility across identity systems, consolidating threats, reconciling and
    detecting both vulnerabilities and active attacks.

Easily deployed without any agents or clients and designed to work in any cloud or network, IBM Verify Identity Protection extends your existing cybersecurity solutions by analyzing and delivering actionable identity risk information that is critical for your security operations.


Benefits IBM Verify Identity Protection addresses the 3 root causes of identity-based attacks. Eliminate identity and access blind spots  

Detects and enables remediation of identity-related blind spots such as shadow assets,
unauthorized local accounts, missing multi-factor authentication (MFA), and usage of
unauthorized SaaS apps across any cloud or platform.

Remediate identity infrastructure threats, exposures and vulnerabilities  

Provides advanced Identity Threat Detection & Response (ITDR) capabilities with detailed
contextual analysis that identifies exposures, threats and attacks in real-time, across the various tools that create an identity infrastructure, including cloud Identity Providers (IdPs), on-prem or hybrid directories, MFA solutions, single sign-on (SSO), PAM solutions and more.


Identity systems misconfiguration & non-compliance  

Detect vulnerable misconfigurations caused by human error, hazardous deviations from policy, and inadequate implementations of identity tools such as MFA, privileged access and IAM tools.

Use Cases

Identity Security Posture Management (ISPM) 

Gain visibility into all activity connected to identities, assets and directories across any cloud or platform. This enables real-time detection of identity-related blind spots in your identity infrastructure as well as potentially dangerous misconfigurations.

Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) 

Secure the identity infrastructure with the industry’s first enterprise-level ITDR by monitoring ALL your identity infrastructure solutions to holistically detect identity threats, exposures and vulnerabilities.

Identity Incident Investigation and Response

Provide full identity context to any cyberthreat or incident, allowing you to quickly determine all identities involved and discover the “who, what, when and where” surrounding the incident.

Identity-Based Zero Trust

Proactively plan what to include in your zero trust solution via full identity and access visibility. This ensures there is no unauthorized access through your zero trust solution and that no one bypasses it.

Secure Privileged Access

Know what to include in your privileged access solution, including service accounts and users. Be confident that your privileged access solution is continually doing its job, and nothing is slipping through.

Explore other solutions
  Verify (SaaS) Mitigate the risk of identity-based attacks by modernizing and securing multi-cloud identities and network access. Protect your identities

  Customer IAM (CIAM) solutions Improve customer satisfaction and user signups with a frictionless journey across all applications and systems. Delight your customers

  Workforce IAM solutions Ensure the security of all organizational resources through modern, secure and phishing resistant authentication methods. Empower your employees

  Identity fabric Building a product-agnostic identity fabric helps enterprises reduce the complexity of hybrid environments. Eliminate identity silos
Take the next step

Schedule a call with IBM Security experts to discuss Threat Detection & Response (ITDR) capabilities.

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