Kubernetes integration
Manage resources at every layer of the application stack continuously and automatically to help ensure optimal performance
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Kubernetes integration for IBM Turbonomic illustration
How it works

Kubernetes is the container platform of choice for most organizations. For containerized and microservice applications running on Kubernetes, the IBM® Turbonomic® platform will automatically manage resources to help ensure performance. IBM Turbonomic software also stitches Kubernetes container, pod, node and namespace visibility to the rest of the application stack.

For even smarter resourcing decisions, the IBM Turbonomic platform can integrate with AppDynamics and Dynatrace, giving you visibility into the business applications and transactions the Kubernetes platform supports and the relationships between applications and infrastructure. Likewise, it can stitch Kubernetes to the underlying infrastructure, whether it is on-prem hypervisors or clouds. This allows you to confidently scale out or up knowing there is enough capacity to support that increase in demand.

The Turbonomic Kubernetes integration

Entities discovered

  • Service
  • Containers 
  • Container specs
  • Container pods
  • Workload controller 
  • Namespace
  • Container cluster
  • Virtual machine (VM)

If a container pod is attached to a volume, Turbonomic discovers it as a Persistent Volume (VM) and shows which pods are connected to the PV

Metrics discovered

  • Response time 
  • Transaction time 
  • Virtual Memory (VMem)
  • VMem Request
  • VMem Request Quota 
  • VMem Limit Quota
  • Virtual CPU (VCPU)
  • VCPU Request 
  • VCPU Throttling 
  • VCPU Request Quota 
  • VCPU Limit Quota
  • Memory Request Allocation
  • Memory Allocation
  • CPU Request Allocation 
  • CPU Allocation

Optimization actions generated

  • Identify and resize container specs (via workload controllers)
  • Identify and resize namespace quotas (only resize up not down)
  • Identify and resize workload controllers
  • Identify and scale workload controllers
  • Identify and move container pods
  • Identify and provision container pods
  • Identify and suspend container pods
  • Identify and reconfigure Kubernetes nodes
Real-time resource optimization for Kubernetes
  • Ensure efficient resource utilization at a granular level, eliminating performance bottlenecks and cost inefficiencies

  • Continuously optimize your Kubernetes environment to ensure that your containers have the right amount of CPU, memory, network and storage

  • Automate actions to prevent cost overruns and maintain a cost-effective Kubernetes environment


Assure performance for Kubernetes
  • Proactively identify and resolve bottlenecks, ensuring high-performance and availability for your Kubernetes applications 

  • Empower site reliability and DevOps teams with rapid decision-making capabilities, reducing response time from days to seconds

  • Manage both legacy virtualization and next-generation microservices through a single pane-of-glass

Align DevOps and IT operations teams
  • Eliminate complexity with a unified model of Kubernetes application and infrastructure health 

  • Bridge the gap between DevOps and application teams with a transparent and auditable view of IT resource decision-making on a per application component basis

  • Define and automate actions based on real-time demand and workload requirements, allowing teams to focus on critical tasks

Self-optimizing resource management for AWS and everything else

Turbonomic’s full-stack visualization, intelligent automation, AI-powered insights, and patented abstraction enable you to manage your organization's Kubernetes environment from a single pane of glass.

Application resource management

Use real-time automation and performance analytics to proactively optimize application resourcing, ensure performance and save money.

Kubernetes optimization

Optimize Kubernetes automation for cost-effective attainment of service level objectives.

More container platform integrations

Kubernetes integration is one of several container platform integrations available for the IBM Turbonomic platform. Connect to container platforms to achieve app-driven, full-stack management with automated decisions for continuous performance.

View all integrations Red Hat® OpenShift®

Automate decisions that simultaneously help ensure performance, minimize cost and maintain compliance.

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Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Achieve app-driven, full stack management with automated decisions for continuous performance and view your EKS clusters alongside other distributions.

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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Get top-down, app-driven analytics that help ensure the continuous performance of your applications.

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Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Achieve continuous performance and elasticity through automated actions.

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It’s time you Turbo

Start your journey to continuous application performance while safely reducing cost.

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