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SevOne automated network observability turn insights into action
Scalable network observability and automation

In large scale networks, deep integration with the IT ecosystem is required and customization is inevitable. For NetOps and ITOps, this creates a unique need to script, automate, and orchestrate a variety of repetitive actions to keep the network monitored and in a healthy state. To do more with less, NetOps teams must leverage enhanced tooling and automation through automated network observability.

IBM SevOne Automated Network Observability is available for new clients or as a trade-up for existing users of IBM SevOne.

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Drive network performance Enhance your application-aware network observability with the ability to transform insights into action and streamline operations. Leverage dozens of automation workflow templates to reduce manual tasks, enable closed-loop assurance and more. Closed-loop assurance from ML-driven insights

Turn ML-driven insights into automated actions by enabling closed-loop automation for network configuration, provisioning, management, and testing.

Reduce manual tasks and enhance control

Automate network tasks and tool integrations with low-code workflow automation and reduce dependency on subject matter experts.

Confident visibility that drives performance

Extend monitoring coverage and ensure observability using pre-built workflow templates to collect performance data close gaps on monitoring and compliance goals, and make data-driven decisions.

Enhanced tooling and automation
Low-code automation engine

With over 1,000 out-of-the-box, drag-and-drop, low-code building blocks across network and security infrastructure, applications, and more, your teams can seamlessly build additional workflows to automate tasks and processes tailored to their network requirements. This automation engine enables NetOps professionals to facilitate network automation and simplify the integration of diverse network technologies without extensive coding knowledge.

Automation workflows templates

IBM SevOne is available in packs with an entitlement for automation workflows. These workflows can transform insights into actionable steps for closed-loop automation, empowering NetOps teams to configure, provision, manage, and test network devices automatically based on SevOne machine learning-based (ML) analysis.

Workflow templates for automated actions

Leverage pre-built automation workflow templates, download from the IBM TechXchange Community and put automation into action.

Performs a sync of SevOne NPM (non trap/flow) Alerts to ServiceNow Incidents. SevOne Alerts are deduplicated before import into ServiceNow. Alert Status and Severity are also synced. Closed alerts will be resolved in ServiceNow. Incidents related to devices deleted from SevOne will be resolved.

The purpose of the workflow is to sync the device inventory in SevOne with the inventory in ServiceNow. The workflow gets a list of devices being monitored by SevOne and loops through all SevOne devices to see if they are in ServiceNow. If not, it adds the device to the cmdb_ci table to be added to ServiceNow. Next, the workflow checks if there are devices in ServiceNow that are marked as "other automated", and not in SevOne. If found and the variable Dry_run is set to false, it will remove the device from ServiceNow.

Identify devices that are not being monitored correctly by SevOne NPM. This workflow generates a list of devices that only have one object, and that object is ICMP type, and the availability of ICMP on that device has been 0 for the last 30 days.

Automate the lookup and entry of geo coordinate metadata into SevOne NPM from an Excel spreadsheet. This workflow automates the lookup of latitude and longitude geo-coordinates using device address data (city, state, zip) found within an Excel spreadsheet.  Once the city, state, and zip are retrieved from the Excel file, the information is passed to a third-party website to perform the lat/long lookup and the resulting data is returned to the workflow.  Using the SevOne NPM RESTful API, the workflow then will create the device namespace in SevOne NPM using the Excel tab name, and populate the resulting lat/long coordinates into the namespace for each device listed in the Excel file. 

Increase polling frequency from SevOne NPM on those objects where higher granularity is required. This workflow increases the polling frequency to defined objects when we need to collect from granular data.  

Monitor Data Insight containers and application data Automate the collection of performance data from instances of SevOne Data Insight. This workflow enables the collection of performance from the Kubernetes containers and application data from SevOne Data Insight by interrogating the Prometheus interface available in Data Insight.

Automate the collection of IBM Cloud metrics. This workflow allows SevOne NPM to monitor technologies that are not supported out of the box leveraging the SevOne Universal Collector framework. This workflow connects to IBM Cloud to collect performance data from different virtual entities such as instances, VPNs, Load Balancers, and more. Then ingest the data into SevOne NPM for analysis and reporting.

Leverage self-service API-based data ingestion. This workflow ingests API-based data into SevOne NPM using the SevOne Universal Collector framework. This framework enables the collection of data from protocols or technologies not supported by default in SevOne NPM.

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