Home Z software Z IT automation Service Management Unite IBM Service Management Unite
Unified service management dashboard
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What a unified service management dashboard can do

IBM® Service Management Unite is a free of charge component available with:

IBM Z® Service Management Suite
IBM Z Service Automation Suite
IBM Z System Automation V4 or higher
IBM Z NetView V6.3 or higher
IBM Z Monitoring Suite

This customizable dashboard brings mainframe management information and tasks from disparate sources into a single environment. Monitoring and automation exception events appear together so you can analyze, isolate and diagnose problems using all relevant data in a single interface. You can also interact directly with the system, issuing commands and viewing results without going to a different console.

Consolidated view of reports

Identify and isolate problems more quickly with a consolidated view of system health status.

Single point of control

Leverage a single point of control for simplified, more efficient automation and service management capabilities.

Collaborative problem resolution

Reduce problem resolution time by improving cross-team collaboration enabling ChatOps tool integrated into Slack®, Microsoft® Teams™, or Mattermost®.

Prebuilt, customizable dashboard

Get continuously updated prebuilt, customizable dashboard components that deliver new features and enhance the IBM Service Management Unite dashboard.

Data Insight with operations console

Get improved insight and productivity with an integrated operations console that you can use to issue commands and heal problems.

Runs directly on z/OS

A distributed server is not needed to deploy with Service Management Unite. It runs directly on z/OS leveraging z/OS Container Extensions.

Provides a consolidated view of system health status

Understand how your system is operating with an overview of the status of z/OS® systems and interaction with z/OS systems from a service management dashboard. You can access key performance indicators and automation status for a resource in exception status without logging on to a different screen. You can conduct problem analysis and diagnosis with dashboard monitors. Use a mobile device to view overall status of the online applications.

Delivers a single point of control for efficient automation

Operate all mainframe systems and related non-z/OS systems across multiple management domains from a single point-of-control. Access information and tasks from your automation, monitoring, network management, and scheduling environment. Use graphical views to easily understand the relationships of your automated applications and jobs. View z/OS system logs and exceptional messages. Trigger automation functions to start, stop, recycle, or move components running on z/OS and non-z/OS environments without having to open and logon to a different screen.

Integrates with Z ChatOps

ChatOps is a model that integrates people, tools and processes into a collaboration platform so that teams can efficiently communicate and easily manage the flow of their work. IBM Z ChatOps provides support for Z environments by including a chatbot that gives users access to information from Z systems management tools directly into Slack®, Microsoft® Teams™, or Mattermost®. Easily notify the IT operations team about alerts from IBM Z applications. ChatOps also integrates with IBM Service Management Unite for broad access to IBM Z data to enable chat users to drill-down into web-based dashboards with additional information. With Z ChatOps, accelerate incident resolution and enable faster onboarding of next-gen IBM Z operators.

Read the solution brief

Improves productivity with an integrated operations console

Get notification of a triggered event to identify what system resources are impacted without having to open and logon to a different screen. Operators can enter commands to heal problems, submit prepared job procedures or use any MVS command without having to open and logon to a different screen. You can more effectively execute complex tasks, such as starting and stopping heterogeneous business applications on IBM Z systems and distributed platforms.

Dashboards enable customization and access to Z data

Gain system insight with dashboard technologies provided by Jazz™ for Service Management and IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub. Create your own dashboards to display custom data and actions from different sources. Dashboards can be assigned to appropriate user roles as needed.

Runs on mobile devices

You can use mobile devices to access mobile-enabled Service Management Unite dashboards so that you can monitor and operate your environment using a smartphone or tablet. Mobility can be easily extended by creating your own dashboards to integrate data and functions.

Runs directly on z/OS

Deploy Service Management Unite image directly into z/OS using z/OS Container Extensions.

Read the documentation

Resources Getting started with IBM Service Management Unite

Learn about the customizable service management user interface that provides dashboards to monitor and operate your mainframe environment.

Videos about IBM Service Management Unite

See videos about IBM Service Management Unite on the IBM MediaCenter to learn more about its features and use cases.

Customer access Portal for IBM Service Management Unite Enterprise Edition

Get more information on the Enterprise Edition and where it can be downloaded.

Related products IBM Z Service Management Suite

Comprehensive management of your z/OS enterprise, including monitoring, control and automation.

IBM Z System Automation

High availability and automation software solution for Z systems.

IBM Z Netview

Maintain the highest degree of availability on Z systems networks.

IBM Z Service Automation Suite

The suite provides the visibility, control, and automation of a large range of system elements spanning both the hardware and software resources of enterprises in a sysplex.

IBM Z Monitoring Suite

Brings together a range of IBM Z Monitoring tools into a single integrated solution.

IBM Z Workload Scheduler

Enables organizations to automate, plan and control the processing of complex systems’ workloads.

Expert resources to help you succeed

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IBM Redbooks

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