Home Security Randori Recon Continuous threat exposure management
Proactively understand your expanding attack surface, prioritize risk management efforts and build resilience with the IBM Security® Randori
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Diagram showing product screenshots related to continuous threat exposure management, includes alerts, targets and threat summary

IBM Security® Randori combines attack surface management with continuous automated red teaming to serve  as the foundation for an effective continuous threat exposure management (CTEM) program.

Exposure extends beyond vulnerabilities alone. Digital transformation is expanding enterprise attack surfaces at an exponential rate, resulting in an operationally infeasible number of vulnerabilities for security teams to manage. Reducing your security risk requires moving from the reactive find and fix to a proactive approach to clarify your cyber risk and better prioritize your risk mitigation efforts to build greater resilience over time.

Gartner® describes CTEM as a "program that surfaces and actively prioritizes whatever most threatens your business".1

By implementing a CTEM program with IBM Security Randori, you can help your security teams proactively assess and manage your organization's exposure to various cyber threats and vulnerabilities on an ongoing basis. It helps you understand your unique threat landscape and implement remediation measures to mitigate and minimize the risks that are most relevant to your security posture instead of trying to find and patch every vulnerability, even if it has a minimal impact on your business.

What you can do
Identify risks beyond vulnerabilities Broaden your scope of risk identification to include misconfigurations, such as exposed login pages that leverage default credentials and outdated certificates. IBM Security® Randori Recon can help you reduce the number of potential entry points for attackers by prioritizing risks based on impact, likelihood, and relevance to your business while showing you the path to the vulnerable asset on your perimeter.

Uplevel your existing vulnerability management solution Randori Recon helps reduce the likelihood of a data breach by ensuring previously unmanaged assets can be actively monitored and managed. With risk-based prioritization, it helps you create a more efficient and effective vulnerability management program at scale by providing administrators with adversarial context so they can prioritize patching of the most impactful threats first.

Authorize continuous assessments Validate that your implemented mitigations are working as expected with continuous  automated red teaming at scale with IBM Security® Randori Attack Targeted. Scope assets based on risk profile to drive security testing of the areas of your business that carry the largest impact. Through continuous runbooks and detailed after action reports, your organization can build a more resilient security posture.
While we had always invested in security, we wanted to ensure that our approach to asset and vulnerability management was able to evolve to address today's cloud and dynamic environments. Getting and maintaining an external assessment of any attack surface is a critical first step in developing a defensive strategy. IBM Security Randori made that possible. Garrett Schubert Director of Cyber Security Lionbridge Technologies Read how Lionbridge maintains client trust by building a resilient security program
Related use cases Continuous security validation

Maintain the effectiveness of your cybersecurity measures and practices by continuously assessing and validating the security controls, configurations and policies in place to protect your digital assets, data and systems.

Take the next step

Take control of your attack surface today. See how IBM Security® Randori Recon can help you manage the expansion of your digital footprint and get on target quickly with fewer false positives.

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1 Smarter With Gartner, "How to Manage Cybersecurity Threats, Not Episodes,"(link resides outside ibm.com) August 21, 2023. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.