Home Security Randori Recon Resources
Tap into this resource library to learn more about strengthening your security posture with IBM Security® Randori
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How Randori works

Discover how the IBM Security® Randori unified offensive security platform clarifies cyber risk and helps you prioritize critical threats. In this informative video, learn about its attack surface management (ASM) and continuous automated red teaming (CART) capabilities.

Explore the new Forrester dynamic TEI calculator

Estimate the potential cost savings and business benefits that IBM Security Randori can bring to your specific business environment.

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Get started with Randori IBM Security Randori Recon

Learn how Randori Recon provides continuous asset discovery and issue prioritization from an attacker’s perspective by continuously monitoring your external attack surface to uncover blind spots, misconfigurations and process failures.

IBM X-Force Attack Targeted Services

See how Randori Attack Targeted, an add-on offering to Randori Recon, can help you continuously test, validate and improve your security posture while extending the benefits of ASM by adding objective-driven campaigns and after-action reporting.

See Randori in action M&A risk management

Discover potential vulnerabilities during mergers and acquisitions using Randori Recon to actively defend your expanding attack surface against unknown threats.

Shadow IT discovery

Discover your unknown assets—on-premises or in cloud—and prioritize targets based on adversarial temptation with Randori Recon.

Continuous security validation

Target security gaps and blind spots through continuous validation of your cybersecurity defenses with Randori Attack Targeted.

Continuous threat exposure management

Implement a continuous threat exposure management (CTEM) program with ASM and CART capabilities of IBM Security Randori.

Blog posts Proactive security with internal visibility and testing

IBM Security Randori is thrilled to announce our enhanced solution, designed to broaden discovery and test your defenses like never before. With the introduction of Internal Discovery and Internal Testing, we're taking a giant leap forward in our commitment to providing an authentic attacker’s perspective.

Attack surface vulnerability validation

Explore how CISA has managed to find needles in a haystack by narrowing the list of CVEs that security teams should focus on remediating, down from tens-of-thousands to just over 1,000 by focusing on vulnerabilities.

Explore more resources Forrester Total Economic Impact™ of IBM Security Randori

Estimate the potential cost savings and business benefits that IBM Security Randori can bring to your specific business environment with the dynamic TEI calculator.

IBM Security X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2024

Learn how to safeguard your people and data from cyberattacks. Get deeper insight into attackers’ tactics and recommendations to proactively protect your organization.

The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM Security Randori

Learn about quantifiable benefits identified in The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM Security Randori, a June 2023 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting.

Security Hygiene and Posture Management (SHPM) Remains Decentralized and Complex

Learn why SHPM is a cybersecurity fundamental and safeguarding any organization demands a thorough understanding of all assets, user identities, and entitlements and more.

The Total Economic Impact™ of IBM Security Randori

Download The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM Security Randori, a June 2023 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, to understand the financial impact of IBM Security Randori including a 303% return on investment over three years.

The state of attack surface management 2022

Download this report to gain a complete view of the current state of ASM along with insights from real practitioners on managing attack surfaces, adapting programs for evolving threats and more.

What is an attack surface? What is attack surface management? What is Log4Shell? What is cloud security posture management (CSPM?) What is a digital footprint? What is offensive security? What is red teaming? What is shadow IT? What is a threat actor? What is a zero-day exploit?
Client stories Greenhill & Co.

Boosted global cyber defense training and containment speed with IBM Security Randori.


Cut cyber risk and 15 hours weekly on guesswork via IBM Security Randori ransomware defense.


Reduced external asset scan time for 12,000 assets from months to hours, saving $75k/year with IBM Security Randori.

Global NGO

Improved cloud migration security visibility and IT risk management with IBM Security Randori.

US Open

Guarded digital platforms against 10+ million threats, ensuring safe viewing for 15 million fans with IBM Security Randori.

Take the next step

Take control of your attack surface today. See how IBM Security® Randori Recon can help you manage the expansion of your digital footprint and get on target quickly with fewer false positives.

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