Deploy three software solutions for IBM Planning Analytics with Watson on one database
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A highly flexible, three-in-one solution

elKom introduces three solutions, elKomBI*, elKomPLAN* and elKomKONS* for IBM® Planning Analytics with Watson. Designed to accelerate corporate planning while making your business data and structures more transparent. New features simplify the process of group consolidation and reporting through automation. Deploy individually or as integrated solutions to meet business needs.

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Key features of elKomSolutions
elKomKONS: report consolidation Receive overviews for consolidation and reporting with simple and efficient up-to-date reports.

elKomPLAN: report budgeted balance sheet Gain a simple, group-wide determination of the transaction balance and the budgeted balance.
Benefits Request a demo now elKomBI: business analytics       

Extract meaningful insights from unstructured data based on the OLAP databases with IBM Planning Analytics and Excel as your frontend UI.

elKomPLAN: corporate planning       

Automate the creation of planning objects balance sheet, P&L, liquidity and cashflow.

elKomKONS: group consolidation

Automate data imports from your legacy systems with IBM Planning Analytics TurboIntegrator.

Forty annual financial statements consolidated quickly and in a secure data environment. MEDIQON Group AG
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