Home Analytics Planning Analytics as a Service IBM Planning Analytics for Excel (PAfE)
Experience the power of real-time multidimensional analysis in the environment you know and love
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Ilustration of Planning Analytics Excel
A superpowered version of Excel

IBM Planning Analytics for Excel (PAfE) is a Microsoft Excel® add-in that enables you to interact and analyze data in IBM Planning Analytics.

Built on TM1 technology, IBM Planning Analytics uses a cell-orientated database–like spreadsheets–but with data managed in multidimensional cubes instead of two-dimensional tables. With PAfE, overcome the limitations of complex models built in Excel spreadsheets, disparate data sources, and lack of governance.

  • Easily create custom reports and dashboards. Customize your analysis to fit your unique needs. 
  • Automated workflows. Save time with built-in data validation and error checking, while ensuring accuracy and consistency in your planning and reporting.
  • Collaborate with team members in real-time and access and manage data securely from anywhere.


Benefits   Quickly access the latest business data

Don’t update 100+ spreadsheets. PAfE connects directly to TM1 server, so you get real-time access to data for analysis, reporting, and planning activities.

Easily manage and analyze data

Analyze data across multiple rows and columns using hierarchies, including time, geography, and product lines, or more Leverage your Excel skills to uplevel your analysis.

Real-time collaboration

From Excel to the web user interface with a click of a button. Share workbooks and reports for easy collaboration with team members in real-time on planning, budgeting, and forecasting activities.

Manipulate data with ease Drag and drop Save time when working with large or complex data sets using the drag and drop function. Quickly and efficiently move, copy, or organize data within Excel worksheets without manually cutting and pasting cells. Read more

Explore data in detail Drill down Get deeper insights into underlying trends and patterns. With just a few clicks, analyze data at a more granular level. Discover hidden insights that may not be immediately apparent at a higher level of aggregation. Read more

Access detailed information Drill through The drill through feature works like a spreadsheet pivot table, but with a centralized database and enhanced security. Interact with the drill through data like any other data set in Excel, allowing you to perform analysis, create charts and graphs, or generate quick reports based on detailed info. Read more
What you get Access IBM Planning Analytics ribbon

Access a ribbon in Excel with specific tools and functions designed for IBM Planning Analytics. Easily complete everyday tasks such as importing data, refreshing views, and creating dynamic reports. 

Visualize with reports and dashboards

Visualize data and create interactive dashboards using familiar Excel features such as charts, tables, and PivotTables. Customize reports to display the information you need in the format you prefer.

Perform ad-hoc analysis

Slice and dice data in various ways with extended capabilities, similar to a giant pivot table. Quickly answer business questions and make informed decisions.

Analyze scenarios

Perform scenario analysis to see how different factors could impact your business. Test different assumptions in real-time, such as changing market conditions or adjusting prices, to see how they affect results.

Ensure security and governance

Benefit from robust security and governance features, including user authentication and authorization, data access controls, and audit trails. 

Convert Excel sheets to interactive web pages

Easily convert Excel sheets to web sheets in IBM Planning Analytics Workspace on cloud. Collaborate and share insights quickly with multiple users, allowing teams to work together effectively.



Microsoft Excel by Microsoft Office

IBM Planning Analytics for Excel

Version control

"Save as" multiple spreadsheets

Robust version control with complete audit trail. Can retrieve, create, or modify versions based on security permissions


Limited; difficult to collaborate in real-time

Easy to collaborate in real-time with multiple users, ability to share web sheets and perform simultaneous analysis

Large datasets

Limited; performance can suffer with large datasets

Efficient handling of large datasets without compromising performance


Basic password protection and file encryption

Robust security features including user authentication, data access controls, and audit trails

Multidimensional analysis

Limited with PivotTable. Difficult to perform multidimensional analysis without add-ons or external tools

Easy and efficient multidimensional analysis with built-in OLAP and drill-down capabilities

Data aggregation

Formula based, error-prone; difficult to perform consolidation and aggregation of data without add-ons or external tools

Easy and efficient real-time consolidation and aggregation of data with built-in consolidation features


Limited; difficult to perform data validation without add-ons or external tools

Easy and efficient data validation with built-in validation rules and error-checking tools

Take the next step

Discover how you can take your business planning and analytics processes to the next level. See IBM Planning Analytics in action.

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