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Reduce complexity

Implement an enterprise-wide governance, risk and compliance framework with the IBM OpenPages Policy Management module.

To help you reduce the complexity and cumbersome nature of complying with numerous industry, ethics, privacy and government regulatory mandates, the IBM OpenPages Policy Management module automates the impacts of policy change management and lifecycle process.

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Gartner® Market Guide to GRC Tools for Assurance Leaders

What you get
Full lifecycle management of policies Simplifies and manages creation, review, approval, attestation and exception management. Maps the policies to the regulatory library. OpenPages Policy Management helps your organization identify and mitigate risks and keep corporate policies and procedures current.

Single document repository A single document repository provides a holistic view of policy management and regulatory compliance activities.  This feature enables the organization to manage policy content in a timely, efficient, and consistent approach.

Mapping of policies to regulatory requirements Discover relationships by mapping policies to regulatory requirements. Your organization can better understand required changes to policies and procedures as regulations and requirements change. Keep your policies and procedures up-to-date with your internal and external requirements.
Features Total view of compliance

Users and administrators can gain a quick summary of regulatory compliance from multiple angles, including functional areas, business units, regions or individual mandates via dashboards and charts.

Policy workflows

Use workflows to manage policy planning activities, assign tasks, and notify stakeholders. Workflows assist organizations in meeting deadlines and staying informed of ever-changing regulatory demands.

Single view of policies

Provides a single source for relationship mapping, such as regulations, controls, testing and risks. Policies can be configured, tagged and searched according to your organizational taxonomies.

Take the next step

Book a consultation with an IBM expert to discuss how it can automate your GRC processes with ease.

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