Rely on a more efficient compliance process with the IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management module.
Combine software, process automation, data feeds and expertise. The OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management module enables your organization to have a more complete, accurate and timely view of your regulatory compliance risks. Supported by a centralized data model, this module is designed to transform the compliance process and drive both confidence and efficiency.
Try an interactive product tour of OpenPages to see how easy it is to identify risks, review the latest regulatory requirements and manage workflows.
Load content feeds from Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence, Wolters Kluwer, Ascent, and Reg-Track into OpenPages. Rules-based set up automatically processes incoming regulatory data.
Out-of-box workflows assist users with documenting and managing an organized response to regulator interactions, such as inquiries, meeting requests, and examinations.
Regulatory requirements can be organized into logical groupings and assigned to appropriate owners across your organization about regulatory change events, creating a transparent resolution process.
IBM OpenPages offers you the capability to deploy domain-targeted product modules to meet specific governance, risk, and compliance challenges. Choose the product modules you need within a single integrated environment.