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Open Enterprise SDK for Go

IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go

Build fast and scalable applications on IBM z/OS

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IBM® Open Enterprise SDK for Go is an industry-standard Go compiler optimized for the z/OS® platform. The Go compiler uses the latest z/Architecture® instructions to provide an exceptional implementation on the z/OS platform.

The IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go on z/OS streamlines Go application development and execution on IBM Z® systems. It uses Go's modern programming practices and rich ecosystem of packages, especially for cloud-enabled applications on z/OS. With Go's concise syntax and modular design, developers can deliver applications faster and with fewer lines of code, reducing costs while benefiting from the robust, secure and scalable z/OS environment.

IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go provides:

  • Enhanced development efficiency: Developers can use Go’s simplicity and efficiency for rapid application development, reducing time-to-market for new solutions.
  • Integration with z/OS ecosystem: It provides seamless integration with existing z/OS tools and services, ensuring compatibility and using existing infrastructure.
  • Optimized performance: The SDK ensures that Go applications are optimized for the high-performance and reliability standards of IBM Z systems.
What's new Summary of features and enhancements for Open Enterprise SDK for Go

Use cases

Porting applications Database management Go containers Interoperability RESTful servers Binary programs
Porting applications to z/OS Port applications to z/OS by adapting existing Go applications to run on z/OS, optimizing them for its unique environment. Use the Wharf program for automatic porting to automate much of the adaptation process, making it faster and easier to migrate applications to z/OS by handling many of the necessary adjustments automatically. Porting applications to z/OS Using Wharf for automatic porting



Crypto support

Extensive cryptographic algorithm support, which is needed by modern applications to secure data and/or communications.

Crypto acceleration
Comprehensive libraries

A rich set of standard and third-party libraries for diverse programming tasks.

Open source and community driven

Continuously improved by a growing community, ensuring access to the latest tools and modules.

Go development community
Compare editions

Compare editions

The PAX download format is popular in UNIX environments, including z/OS UNIX System Services, and offers a DIY installation experience. SMP/E installable images and their fix packs can be managed in the convenient SMP/E tracking tool. The SMP/E Bill of Materials include an Entitlement memo to access Go container image available to download on the IBM Cloud Container Registry.

Upgrade to world-class IBM support to open service requests, which are addressed in documented turnaround times.

Which option is right for you? PAX edition

PAX archive installable format for a DIY installation. Use your existing IBMid for access or create one upon registration.

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SMP/E edition

SMP/E (CBPDO, ServerPac) installable format can easily manage updates. Recommended for production deployments. Available through Shopz.

Obtain from Shopz

No license charge

Run your own applications

Full functions

Includes Go on z/OS container image

IBM Software Subscription and Support (S&S)



*Prices shown are indicative, may vary by country, exclude any applicable taxes and duties, and are subject to product offering availability in a locale.

Technical details

Technical details

Hardware requirements

  • IBM Z server that supports z/OS 2.5 (5650-ZOS) or 3.1

Software requirements

  • z/OS 2.5 or 3.1
  • IBM z/OS UNIX System Services must be enabled on systems on which IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go is run

Installation and configuration instructions

Open Enterprise SDK for Go is available in three installation formats, SMP/E, PAX and the container image. Select the installation format that applies to you:

PAX edition SMP/E edition Go container image

Frequently asked questions

It is available with no license charge. Optional Subscription and Support (S&S) is available.

Go applications are not IBM z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP)-eligible. Clients may be eligible for Tailored Fit Pricing under New Application Solution pricing model for new production workloads to isolate Go on z/OS workloads without impacting overall costs of existing workloads. Talk to your IBM account representative.

How to

Learn how to use Go-based utilities to achieve faster execution and lower cost for customers.

Accelerate code for crypto algorithms to make it run multiple times faster and maintain security for crypto operations.

Learn how to use the core debug functionality of z/OS debugger to debug Go applications.

Learn how to debug a program compiled with IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go by using z/OS debugger.

Use Protocol Buffers to serialize data and run a client-server application with gRPC in Go.

Learn how to implement GraphQL APIs with Go on IBM z/OS, providing practical integration insights.

Next steps

Discover IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go. Schedule a no-cost 30-minute meeting with an IBM Z representative.

Download now
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