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IBM® NS1 Connect features built-in integrations with some of the most widely used infrastructure-as-code tools, empowering DevOps teams to make reliable, secure deployment changes without the friction of traditional processes. IBM NS1 Connect also integrates with a variety of performance monitoring tools to help you identify and steer around service disruptions. Check out our full list of integrations below to learn more.


Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code software that enables DevOps teams to safely and predictably create, change and reproduce production infrastructure. The IBM® NS1 Connect Terraform Provider integration supports automatic creation and updates of configurations at scale.

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Ansible is a powerful DevOps automation toolkit. The NS1 Connect Ansible module supports automated management of your zones and records, including full support for configuring Filter Chains. Integrate IBM® NS1 Connect into your provisioning and deployment automation pipeline.

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More integrations AppDynamics

Use AppDynamics infrastructure monitoring data to steer application traffic away from potential infrastructure issues before they impact the end-user experience.

See integration brief
AWS CloudWatch

Steer traffic around down or deprecated resources by using AWS CloudWatch data to monitor the status of AWS cloud resources. Collect and track metrics, create customized dashboards and set alerts.

See documentation

Fine-tune traffic steering decisions at the country or sub-country level using Catchpoint’s granular DNS performance data.

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Push Datadog availability alerts into NS1 Connect for real-time traffic management, or use the Datadog agent to send NS1 Connect performance and usage metrics to Datadog for monitoring and observability.

Explore inbound alerts

Use the NS1 golang client to augment http/clients with authentication and rate limiting through an SDK. Automatically manage DNS resources and traffic steering configurations with NS1 Connect API.

See documentation

Use K8s Cert Manager to automate DNS validation by a Certificate Authority, or easily apply and manage SSL/TLS certificates to any domain or subdomain. Use K8s External DNS to automate discovery and DNS updates for dynamic services.

See Cert Manager documentation See External DNS documentation

Use granular Quality of Experience (QoE) data to inform DNS traffic steering decisions, improving performance based on specific device types, geographic regions, and other factors.

See datasheet

Use telemetry data from NGINX appliances to inform traffic steering decisions, improving availability and performance across the network.

See datasheet See deployment guide

Use infrastructure as code to easily manage DNS records across multiple DNS providers, particularly when delegation is split.

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Enable Okta-authenticated users to seamlessly access the NS1 Connect portal, simplifying DNS management across teams.

See configuration guide
OpenStack Designate

Manage software-defined solutions to enable automation and orchestration. Designate a multi-tenant DNS-as-a-Service (DNSaaS) for OpenStack.

See documentation
Pager Duty

Manage DNS monitoring notifications to fit your prioritization schedule, keeping alerts to a minimum. 

See documentation

Automate DNS workflows with a low-code, no-code platform that plugs directly into the NS1 Connect API.

View demo See datasheet

Use Pingdom monitoring data to inform traffic steering decisions, automatically routing DNS queries around service outages and deprecated resources. 

See documentation
Python SDK

Access NS1 Connect through a REST API wrapper plus a higher-level interface for managing zones, records, and data feeds. Synchronous and asynchronous transports are supported through Python v2.7 and v3.3.

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Deliver customized alerts directly to your team to lower response times in the event of an operational incident, speeding time to resolution and keeping everything on track.

See documentation

Detect service disruptions or user experience issues in ThousandEyes and automate failover actions in NS1 Connect to minimize downtime.

See documentation
Take the next step

Improve your network resilience to keep critical applications and websites reliably online with NS1 Connect. Dig into the details of NS1 Connect integrations with demos, configuration guides, and more.

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