Home Network NS1 Connect DDoS attack protection
Shield your business from the operational and financial impacts of DDoS attacks
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Infographic depicting successful shielding from DDOS attacks on a network

IBM® NS1 Connect protects your business from DDoS attacks on DNS through strong platform-level resilience and an option to shield your bill from unexpected DNS traffic spikes.

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are becoming more frequent and costly every year. Even a “small” DDoS attack can knock your business offline for hours or days. DDoS attacks don’t just happen to large enterprises either—small enterprises with minimal protections are targeted just as frequently.

Businesses need multiple layers of protection against DDoS attacks. To keep revenue-generating applications and websites online, your authoritative DNS provider should have sufficient capacity to absorb traffic spikes and controls in place to guard against automated “junk” queries.

Since authoritative DNS providers charge for usage, a DDoS attack can also have an unexpected financial impact. That’s why it’s important to protect your DNS bill against spikes in traffic from DDoS attack activity.

Benefits Stay online, all the time

Downtime costs your business money, and has a significant impact on your brand reputation.

Prevent surprise overage charges

Keep your bill predictable with protection against usage charges from unexpected events.

Protect against the unknown

Add protective layers to your network against black swan events.

What's included
Platform protections against DDoS attacks

NS1 Connect offers a multifaceted approach at the platform level, which protects customers against DDoS attacks. The NS1 Connect global anycast network operates on massively provisioned infrastructure, which autoscales to serve unexpected demand. Sophisticated detection, filtering capabilities and easy-to-use DNSSEC support keep legitimate traffic flowing while blocking queries from malicious sources. Regular operational readiness drills help ensure quick incident response.

Protection against overage charges

NS1 Connect DDoS Overage Protection is an “insurance policy” against overage charges for usage spikes due to DDoS attacks. In these cases, you’ll only be charged for legitimate traffic at the agreed rates of your usage tier.

Dedicated DNS

NS1 Connect also offers Dedicated DNS—a physically and logically separated authoritative DNS instance that runs as an always-active, built-in secondary option. In a worst-case scenario, all the configurations and functions from your primary DNS are in your Dedicated DNS instance.

Take the next step

Improve your network resilience to keep critical applications and websites reliably online with IBM NS1 Connect. Get started with a free developer account or see pricing options.

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