Home Network NS1 Connect IBM NS1 Connect API
A flexible API to power your network
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Graphic showing an API with the ability to customize, integrate and automate network services

Customize, integrate, and automate network services with IBM® NS1 Connect’s API-first architecture.

Managing authoritative DNS doesn’t have to be complicated or cumbersome. IBM NS1 Connect features an API-first architecture that streamlines DNS management for your team. Our flexible architecture and preconfigured integrations with leading DevOps tools enable you to automate routine maintenance, manage data sources and feeds, and much more. While traditional DNS solutions feature either a bolted-on API—or worse, no API at all— every line of code in IBM NS1 Connect starts as an API call, empowering you to do more with DNS.

Get the tools to manage zone, records, data sources and feeds, account settings, and more aspects of your NS1 account.
Benefits One API for all of NS1 Connect

Every line of code at NS1 starts as an API call. Everything you can do in the UI, you can do in the API. Our entire solution is served by one API, so you can manage every part of your network infrastructure using the same set of commands, even as you scale.  

Enhance DevOps workflows

DevOps teams expect an API that boosts their velocity. NS1 Connect integrates with leading DevOps tools including Ansible and Terraform to automate maintenance and other day-to-day work. Plus, our extensive API documentation makes complex API-related tasks simple to implement.


The NS1 Connect REST API uses simple key/header-based authentication. Make API calls easily from any language or even from the shell. Administrators can easily manage users, teams, and API keys to ensure appropriate access levels based on the user role or function of the API key.

Features Speedy automatic propagation

NS1’s global network propagates changes through our API in seconds, eliminating the risk of broken applications and user experiences.

Capacity for the heaviest days

On an average day, NS1 handles between two to four million API calls. We’ve seen individual customers make 2.5m DNS changes through our API on high-traffic days, which we handle with plenty of capacity to spare.

API-based traffic steering

With NS1, you can route DNS traffic by plugging data feeds into our API for a more flexible, programmable option than using the DNS protocol itself.


NS1 Connect offers built-in integrations with some of the most popular infrastructure-as-code tools used by DevOps teams, such as Terraform and Ansible.

View all integrations Ansible

Ansible is a powerful DevOps automation toolkit. The IBM® NS1 Ansible module supports automated management of your zones and records, including full support for configuring Filter Chains. Integrate NS1 into your provisioning and deployment automation pipeline.

Download module

Terraform is infrastructure as code software that enables DevOps teams to safely and predictably create, change, and reproduce production infrastructure. The IBM® NS1 Terraform Provider integration supports automatic creation and updates of configurations at scale.

View GitHub repository
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Improve your network resilience to keep critical applications and websites reliably online with IBM NS1 Connect. Get started with a free developer account or see pricing options.

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