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Website monitoring with IBM Instana Observability delivers the automation, context and intelligence to solve issues faster and ensure a superior end user experience
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Illustration showing elements of website monitoring dashboards

Regardless of who your end users are, it’s business-critical to give them the best website experience possible. The problem with using a collection of point monitoring solutions focused on specific areas of the end user experience is that they only give you limited visibility. Without being able to connect the dots, you can’t quickly uncover the root cause of an issue and eliminate areas of user friction. 

Website monitoring with IBM® Instana® Observability allows you to see what your users are seeing—in real-time and without any blind spots. All important details for every web browser request are automatically collected and contextualized for performance. Instana’s website monitoring solution works by using a lightweight JavaScript agent, which is embedded into the monitored website.

The Enterprise Guide to Observability
Benefits Increase user satisfaction by quickly resolving issues

Quickly identify performance bottlenecks with full context to detect and resolve issues faster, improve the end user experience and increase user satisfaction.

Gain insights to elevate the end user experience 

Use comprehensive browser performance data, complete with the context needed to identify performance patterns for page views, resources, HTTP requests, etc. and optimize code from the frontend browser to the backend server.

Comprehensive dashboard Instana's end user experience monitoring (EUEM) dashboard offers a complete view of user activity, performance and errors, enabling IT teams to identify and address issues that may be negatively impacting end user satisfaction. Learn more about Instana’s dashboard

Unbounded analytics Instana’s unbounded analytics engine allows end user requests to be analyzed from any perspective, tying together traces, metrics and profiles. All data about the request is available for teams to easily filter, analyze and quickly resolve any issues that end users are experiencing. Learn more about unbounded analytics

Smart Alerts Smart Alerts provide automatically generated alerting configurations so you can receive alerts based on out-of-the-box blueprints such as website slowness, JavaScript errors and HTTP status codes. Select a blueprint for which you would like to be alerted, choose an arbitrary scope (e.g. geolocation, web browser, OS, etc.) and the system automatically creates a tailored alert so you can continuously ensure the best website experience. Learn more about Smart Alerts

Contextual traceability Leverage Instana’s unmatched comprehensive tracing support to consume and analyze every trace, regardless of how it’s captured. Complete automatic tracing combined and correlated with other open-source traces gives you the context and relevant information you need to deliver the best possible user experience.
300+ supported technologies

Instana integrates with other monitoring tools, such as log management and network
monitoring tools like IBM® Turbonomic®, to provide a comprehensive view of application
performance across the entire IT infrastructure with no plug-ins or application restarts.

Explore supported technologies
Resources Average 219% ROI: The Total Economic Impact™ of IBM Instana Observability

Data from a new Forrester Consulting study showed that a composite organization that used the IBM Instana™ Observability platform achieved a 219% ROI over three years.

Take the next step

IBM Instana Observability gives everyone across the enterprise user-friendly access to the data they want with the context they need to deliver rapid issue prevention and remediation.

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