MySQL Monitoring
Managing and Monitoring MySQL

MySQL monitoring is an important part of Instana’s AI Powered Application Monitoring solution. MySQL (link resides outside is an open-source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that is also available in an enterprise edition from the Oracle Corporation (link resides outside Data storage is done in tabulated rows with Structured Query Language (SQL) managing that data, and MySQL is an integral part of the open-source LAMP application stack.

After deployment into an application, Instana will automatically map out the entire infrastructure, identify all MySQL instances and deploy the mySQL Monitoring Sensor into each instance. The full application is also mapped, identifying how each microservice interacts with others, monitoring each instance and the application.

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MySQL Performance and Configuration Metrics

MySQL’s easy deployability and usability make it a popular choice among web application environments. When MySQL is detected within any application environment, the Instana Agent automatically deploys a MySQL Monitoring Sensor into each instance, immediately collecting performance and configuration metrics. As part of the broader application and/or infrastructure monitoring solution, Instana’s MySQL monitoring determines how well each MySQL instance is functioning in relation to the rest of the stack – including queries from the application to MySQL. Instana’s MySQL Monitoring sensor also detects configuration changes, storing each as an event on the Instana monitoring timeline. This is useful when using MySQL data replication switches from master to slave will be notified. However, proper MySQL monitoring must include the proper credentials to access any required metric information. Please see the Instana MySQL Agent Configuration documentation for more information.

Common metrics automatically included with Instana’s MySQL Monitoring include:

  • Type Queries
  • Slow Queries
  • Latent Queries
  • Schema Statistics

Please see Instana’s MySQL Sensor documentation for a complete list.

MySQL Application Health Monitoring

Instana’s MySQL Monitoring also includes internal health. Instana’s Knowledge Base includes Key Performance Indicators of a well-functioning MySQL database. These KPI’s are captured as issues and persisted into the Instana web UI, where they contribute toward a contextual, color-coded display of the database’s overall health. In the screenshot below, for example, an event was triggered because of a sudden drop in queries, as shown by the chart.

Some of the typical KPIs tracked within Instana’s MySQL Monitoring include:

  • Connection Usage
  • Connection Trend
  • Response Time

Please see Instana’s MySQL Sensor documentation for more details.

Installing Apache MySQL Monitoring

Ready to start? You’ll need an Instana Trial or Account first. Already got one? The best place to begin is Instana’s Getting Started Guide.

Instana Trial or Account Instana’s Getting Started Guide.