MongoDB Monitoring
Managing and Monitoring MongoDB

MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL database program, that can function as a file system, oriented towards semi-structured data formats such as text-based documents, for example, JSON files. As a data store it has a number of key functionality built in, including ad hoc queries, replication, and load balancing. To achieve these capabilities, MongoDB makes use of pre-existing tools like JavaScript, MapReduce, and sharding. Instana’s MongoDB monitoring includes automatic infrastructure discovery, application mapping and monitoring configuration.

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MongoDB Performance and Configuration Metrics

After deploying into the client environment, Instana will immediately begin collecting metrics on MongoDB’s performance and configuration within that environment. These can be used to measure how well Mongo is interacting within the ecosystem.


Typical metrics collected to baseline Mongo’s performance are:

  • Database Size
  • Documents
  • Clients

Instana’s agent sensor must be configured with the proper credentials to access the monitored MongoDB instance. Please see Instana’s documentation for more details.

MongoDB Application Health Monitoring

MongoDB’s internal health is automatically monitored as soon as Instana deploys into a client environment. Instana’s Mongo agent sensor will begin collecting key performance indicators of MongoDB’s internal status and operations, determining if any issues are with external requests or with the Mongo instance itself.

MongoDB Sensor Installation: Getting Started

Ready to start? You’ll need an Instana Trial or Account first. Already got one? The best place to begin is Instana’s Getting Started Guide.

Instana Trial or Account Instana’s Getting Started Guide