.NET Core Monitoring
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.NET Core Monitoring and Tracing

A growing part of Cloud-Native Application architecture, .Net Core (link resides outside ibm.com) is the successor to Microsoft’s .Net Framework. First released in 2016, the .Net Core framework is both open source and cross platform (running on Windows, Linux and MacOS). .Net Core monitoring and tracing both require detection of .Net core instances, code-level visibility into C# and F# runtime languages and the ability to monitor performance and trace distributed requests automatically. Instana announced support for .Net Core performance management at Microsoft Ignite in 2018.

Like traditional .Net application code, C# and F# applications running on .Net Core are interpreted compiler languages (meaning they operate as byetcode), but instead of running in a JVM, they run in a CLR (Common Language Runtime). As you would expect from Microsoft, there is tight integration with Visual Studio for development, if so desired.In May of 2020, Microsoft announced that vNext of .Net Core (then at v3) would be called .Net 5 (no “Core” anymore), encompassing both frameworks into one product.

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Instana .Net Monitoring and .Net Core Code Level Visibility

Instana’s automated APM solution includes support for traditional Net Monitoring, in addition to .Net Core Monitoring (for V2 and later on Linux). Installing the monitoring into your applications is fast an easy, especially with a monitoring package from NuGet.

Once installed, the .Net Core Monitoring sensor delivers runtime metrics for garbage collection, memory and resource contention. It also installs Instana’s AutoTrace™ automatic distributed tracing for end to end visibility within many popular libraries. Similar to other bytecode-based languages, Instana attaches its sensor to the CLR on start up and automatically collects typical bytcode runtime metrics such as GC activity, memory and thread usage. Instana’s automatic tracing (AutoTrace™) captures a complete end-to-end span of every request including calls to datastores, caches, etc.

Real-Time Application Performance Monitoring and Service Incident Detection

See how your services are performing in real time. Instana automatically detects, instruments and tracks all endpoints against Rate, Errors and Duration KPIs (the RED KPIs). Instana’s incident management and application performance reporting focuses on the Golden Signals, critical KPIs promoted in the Google SRE Handbook.

Instana AutoTrace captures an end-to-end distributed trace for every single request, you can see any outliers, whether they encompass a group of requests or just one. Additional data include .Net framework log messages at WARN or above.

Automatic .Net Core Root Cause Analysis

Between the real-time detection, high granularity and end-to-end tracing for every requestion, Instana’s .Net Core Monitoring solution enables you to quickly identify any potential problems and quickly isolate analyze their root cause. Built on the industry’s most comprehensive application modeling engine (the Dynamic Graph), Instana delivers real-time topology maps with performance and configuration information.

The Dynamic graph drives Instana’s automation, machine-learning and context delivery, which is critical for monitoring and managing the performance of Cloud-Native applications. To easily understand how any single service fits within the overall application system, Instana’s Context Guide is a user friendly way to navigate the Dynamic Grapgh – acting as a kind of GPS guidance system for your applications.

Instana .Net Core Monitoring Metrics

Instana’s automatic application monitoring solution gets rea-time configuration and performance information from each and every service operating on .Net Core. For the full list of metrics, see Instana’s official documentation on how to monitor .Net Core.

How to monitor .Net Core