Azure AKS Observability
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Full Azure AKS Observability, Monitoring and APM

Microsoft’s Kubernetes-as-a-service offering (AKS) provides a fully managed Kubernetes (K8s) service designed to unite development and operations teams on a single platform to rapidly build, deliver, and scale applications. Instana’s Automatic Azure AKS Observability and Application Monitoring from Instana includes our Enterprise Observability Platform and Kubernetes Monitoring capabilities, plus the ability to manage the overall performance and configuration of Azure K8s and any running applications.

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Automatic Azure AKS Discovery, Full-Stack Observability and Application Monitoring Capabilities

To help optimize AKS application performance and automate performance management workflows, automated AKS Observability goes beyond simple metrics to provide comprehensive Cloud, Kubernetes, Infrastructure, Application, and Service monitoring capabilities:

  • Discovery of Kubernetes nodes and deployed services
  • Automatic code instrumentation and tracing for Java, Node, .NET and more
  • Automatic mapping of applications, containers, and Kubernetes clusters
  • Tracing of all end-to-end requests across all systems and services
  • Application, Service, Infrastructure, Kubernetes, and Cloud health monitoring

Full Observability of Azure AKS environments requires performance visibility for the virtual hosts, running pods, containers, and orchestration, and any applications and services deployed on the cluster.

Instana’s automated Application Monitoring is the quickest and easiest way to monitor Azure AKS across the stack to deliver comprehensive application insights. The Instana agent automatically discovers all Kubernetes instances, deployed service technologies, deploys the necessary monitoring sensors, and begins tracing applications and requests. Instana also automatically determines the health of the AKS cluster.

Monitoring Azure AKS Performance

Once deployed, the Instana Agent automatically identifies all running Kubernetes nodes – then deploys and configures Instana’s Kubernetes Monitoring sensor. Instana’s curated knowledge base knows what performance metrics are relevant for collection and how to collect them. To monitor the AKS service cluster health, additional metrics are also collected. Since Instana’s automatic configuration collects all relevant information, monitoring a hosted Kubernetes cluster couldn’t be easier.

To determine overall service health, the Instana Monitoring sensors also collect KPIs on the monitored AKS cluster environment to determine its health status.

Complete Context Includes Azure AKS Configuration Monitoring

In addition to performance and health data, Instana’s Kubernetes Monitoring sensor also collects configuration data for Kubernetes, pods, and containers, allowing Instana to analyze and correlate configuration data and changes with application and service performance information. Together with key Observability data (performance metrics, traces, profiles and events), the configuration data is combined, analyzed and provided to users in full context of service dependencies and infrastructure dependencies. This allows users to quickly understand where bottlenecks or other problems are and how to fix them.

All Kubernetes performance and configuration information is summarized in a single Monitoring Dashboard, showing all relevant information in a single place for easy problem-solving and performance optimization.

Instana Agent Installation: Getting Started

Learn more about how to get started monitoring Azure AKS with Instana. You can either login to your account or start a trial.

Monitoring Azure AKS Start a trial