AWS ELB Monitoring
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AWS ELB Monitoring

Amazon’s Elastic Load Balancing (AWS ELB (link resides outside solution is the most commonly used load balancer for applications and services deployed into AWS on platforms like Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS ECS and many others. Instana offers AWS ELB Monitoring as a standard part of our Application and Infrastructure Monitoring solutions, providing service and application insight for application environments that include the popular load balancer.

To help optimize application performance and further automate performance management workflows, Instana’s automatic AWS ELB Monitoring goes beyond simple metrics to provide comprehensive management and monitoring features:

  • Automatic discovery of AWS Elastic Load Balancing configurations and the infrastructure components they connect to
  • Mapping and visualization of load balancers and Service dependencies
  • End-to-end tracing of requests through ELB and across all services
  • Service and Application health monitoring

Comprehensive AWS ELB Monitoring requires performance visibility for the load balancer service, request and connection metrics and any applications and services fronted by the AWS ELB service.

Instana is the quickest and easiest way to monitor AWS ELB across the stack to deliver comprehensive application insights. The Instana agent automatically discovers all AWS ELB configurations, deploys the necessary monitoring sensors and begins tracing applications and requests. Instana also automatically determines the health of AWS ELB.

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Monitoring AWS ELB Performance

Once deployed, the Instana Agent automatically identifies all AWS ELB configurations – then automatically deploys and configures Instana’s AWS ELB Monitoring sensor. Instana’s curated knowledge base already knows what performance metrics are relevant for collection and how to collect them. To monitor AWS Elastic Load Balancing and application or services health, additional metrics are also collected. Since Instana’s automatic configuration collects all relevant information, monitoring AWS ELB instances couldn’t be easier.

To determine overall service health, the Instana AWS ELB Monitoring sensor also collects KPIs on the monitored AWS environment to determine its health status.

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and health signatures from a curated knowledge base, Instana automatically detects issues with individual load balancer configurations and backing applications or services and files service incidents. Based on severity, Instana automates incident escalation and root cause identification, helping you solve issues before users are impacted.

AWS ELB Configuration Monitoring

In addition to performance and health data, Instana’s AWS ELB Monitoring sensor also collects configuration data, allowing Instana to analyze and correlate configuration data and changes with application and service performance information.

All performance and configuration information is summarized in a single AWS ELB Monitoring Dashboard, showing all relevant information in a single place for easy problem-solving and performance optimization.

AWS Elastic Load Balancing performance monitoring centers around service metrics and their interactions with other services or data stores. Instana automatically identifies and collects the relevant service metrics.

AWS ELB Monitoring Data

Instana ELB Monitoring includes three types of data; Configuration Data, Performance Data and Health Signatures:

Further information on the different sensor information is available in the
Instana AWS ELB Management Documentation.

Configuration Data

  • Name
  • Type
  • ARN
  • Status
  • DNS name
  • Hosted zone
  • Scheme
  • Creation Time
  • VPC
  • IP AddressType
  • AWS Grouping Zone

Performance Data

  • Application Connection Count
  • Consumed LCUs
  • HTTP Fixed Response Count
  • HTTP Redirect Count
  • IPv6 Processed Bytes
  • IPv6 Request Count
  • New Connection Count
  • Processed Bytes
  • Request Count
  • Rule Evaluations
  • HTTP Code Target 2XX Count
  • HTTP Code Target 3XX Count
  • HTTP Code Target 4XX Count
  • HTTP Code Target 5XX Count
  • Request Count Per Target
  • Target Response Time

Health Signatures

  • Client TLS Negotiation Error Count
  • HTTP Redirect URL Limit Exceeded Count
  • HTTP Code ELB 3XX Count
  • HTTP Code ELB 4XX Count
  • HTTP Code ELB 5XX Count
  • Rejected Connection Count
  • Healthy Host Count
  • Target Connection Error Count
  • Target TLS Negotiation Error Count
    AWS ELB Sensor Installation: Getting Started

    Ready to start? You’ll need an Instana Trial or Account first. Already got one? The best place to begin is Instana’s Getting Started Guide.

    Instana Trial or Account Instana’s Getting Started Guide.