Akka Monitoring
Akka Monitoring and Performance Management

Automatic Akka Monitoring is part of Instana’s comprehensive microservices and cloud-native application monitoring solution.

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What is Akka?

Part of the microservices application stack, Akka calls itself “toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala.”

Akka Monitoring and Instana’s Full-Stack APM

Instana’s automatic Microservice Monitoring includes full stack visibility:

  • Operating System: AIX, Windows, Linux, …
  • Containers: Docker, containerd, …
  • Orchestration: Kubernetes, OpenShift, Rancher, …
  • Database: AWS DynamoDB, IBM DB2, MongoDB, …
  • Middleware: ActiveMQ, IBM MQ, MS BizTalk, …

Learn more about how to get started with Instana and monitoring Akka messaging libraries performance and configuration.

Monitoring Akka messaging libraries