Home IT automation Instana Full-Stack Automated Observability
Never miss an issue with the world’s most granular, highest cardinality monitoring
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Never Miss an Incident

IBM Instana automatically and continuously delivers the highest-fidelity data:

  • One-second granularity so you never miss a problem ever

  • An end-to-end distributed trace of every call or request

  • A graphing model and dynamic maps to show you how everything is related

This allows all application stakeholders to see the exact data they want with the context they need to quickly determine the cause of an issue and take immediate action to fix it.

Only Instana has the real-time high-fidelity data required in today's dynamic application and infrastructure environements to find and fix issues before they impact end users.

A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study

Instana is fully automated, so you can get up and running quickly. Read the full 2024 Forrester Study now.

Benefits Faster deployments

Automated monitoring configuration never slows down CI/CD pipelines.

Actionable insights

Real-time contextual understanding helps Dev+Ops find and fix problems faster.

Monitor your entire stack together

Holistic monitoring with visibility from hardware and infrastructure to applications and business processes.

End-to-end visibility across shared services

Understand upstream and downstream dependencies across the entire application service map.

Real-time dependency maps Always have the full context. Understand the dependencies of each application service and infrastructure component with data that is "automatically and continuously updated" based on the discovery.

Pipeline feedback Get immediate understanding of the impact of software releases, empowering developers and ensuring better application quality.

Full opentelemetry support Automate, contextualize, and take intelligent action in opentelemetry to ensure no service is left uninstrumented and you get the full picture, in context with the same great Instana experience no matter where the data comes from.

Smart alerts Eliminate the guess work with meaningful alerts tailored to your environment and customized blueprints to suit your needs.

Results 40%

Improve operational efficiency by 40%.


Reduce revenue-impacting incidents by up to 60%.

Link to TEI Study

Decrease developer troubleshooting time by up to 90%.

Take the next step

IBM Instana Observability gives everyone across the enterprise user-friendly access to the data they want with the context they need to deliver rapid issue prevention and remediation.

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