Home IT automation Instana Application performance monitoring (APM)
Automatically observe, monitor and fix your entire application stack with IBM Instana Observability
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An illustration depicting a monitoring dashboard with incidents and events alerts, includes charts.

Ensuring that your applications are performing optimally and providing a valuable user experience to your customers and stakeholders is business-critical. However, keeping up with today’s dynamic application environments is not easy. To monitor the modern application stack—including cloud-native apps, containers and microservices with highly complex interdependencies—you need capabilities that go beyond the manual, siloed and often contextless monitoring offered by traditional APM tools.

Built for the cloud, IBM® Instana® Observability brings you the next wave in APM intelligence—full enterprise observability that equips you with fast, automated and contextualized visibility into the health and availability of your entire application environment. It empowers your teams to run diagnostics, reduce response time, optimize application performance and accelerate CI/CD pipelines.

Leverage automated APM to accelerate CI/CD and boost application performance

Read the Instana Observability Solution Brief

Benefits Detect and resolve issues faster

Reduce your MTTD and MTTR with real-time observability. Instana automates every aspect of APM—discovery, dependency mapping, monitoring, tracing, root cause analysis and feedback—without sampling or blind spots while freeing up your DevOps teams to focus on core tasks.

Optimize application performance

Optimize performance proactively with contextual insights from Instana's Dynamic Graph, which records and models relationships between all application components in real time. With Instana's Context Guide, any user can diagnose issues and determine impact.

Actionable intelligent alerts

Prevent issues with alerts powered by AI and machine learning. Instana provides an in-depth incident report that correlates all corresponding events using the Dynamic Graph. The resulting single alert contains an effect report with details to enable rapid incident resolution. 

Improve customer experience

Increase conversion rates with comprehensive visualizations of every end-user interaction that you can optimize to deliver exceptional experiences. ExaVault improved customer experience with a 56.6% reduction in MTTR by implementing
IBM Instana APM.

Easy to access and use 

Provide teams across your organization with an easy-to-use APM platform that supports all stakeholders, not just APM power users. Instana gives anyone across DevOps, SRE, platform engineering, ITOps and development the data they want with the context they need. 

Full-stack APM Provides full distributed tracing—with zero sampling—across your entire application stack, including browser and mobile apps, databases, and individual lines of code. Allows you to automatically observe, monitor and address performance issues before they impact end-user experience. Learn more about automated APM

Automatic discovery and monitoring  Helps discover all the components of an application and provides a graphical representation of the application's topology. Continuous discovery defines the evolving dependency chain of the Dynamic Graph, enabling both temporal and spatial deterministic analysis. Learn more about automatic discovery

Real-time monitoring and alerting Monitors application performance in real time (1-second granularity) and notifies IT teams in less than 3 seconds when application performance issues are detected. Learn more about API alerting

Distributed tracing

Helps trace transactions across different components of an application, providing insights into the performance of individual components and how they interact.

Learn more about distributed tracing

Unbounded analytics

Provides data analytics and reporting features that enable IT teams to track application performance over time, identify trends and make informed decisions about capacity planning and infrastructure optimization.

Learn more about unbounded analytics

Root cause analysis

Automatically detects changes, issues and incidents to drastically decrease the time to investigate the root cause of every service impact of your applications.

Learn more about root cause analysis
300+ supported technologies

Instana integrates with other monitoring tools, such as log management and network monitoring tools like IBM® Turbonomic®, to provide a comprehensive view of application performance across the entire IT infrastructure with no plug-ins or application restarts.

Explore supported technologies
Results 56.6% Reduction in MTTR

Since ExaVault started using IBM Instana, it has seen a significant decrease in its MTTR for customer-impacting bugs.

Read the case study
99.99% Application availability

Using Instana to monitor all of its applications in one place, Enento is exceeding its SLAs and delivering a more reliable customer experience.

Read the case study
Instana provides a complete vision of how our services are running, helping us achieve our goals of performance, reliability and cost optimization. Jorge Tome Hernando Director of IT Architecture, Operations, Security and Workplace PRISA Tecnologia Read the case study
Resources Customers love Instana

The reviews are in and IBM Instana scores big with users as a "full stack observability tool" with "brilliant data and visualizations."

Instana named G2 Leader

The G2 Spring 2023 Application Performance Monitoring grid report features IBM Instana as the leader in the APM space in both market presence and customer satisfaction.

Is your application environment ready?

Take our assessment to learn if your application environment is ready for a true digital transformation.

Myth: Observability is always expensive

In this article, we’ll highlight the significance of cost-effective observability solutions with IBM Instana.

Myth: Observability is about one part of your stack

By dispelling this myth, we aim to illuminate observability’s essence as a comprehensive practice offering profound insights into the functionality and performance of entire systems.

Observing Camunda environments with IBM Instana Business Monitoring

Combining a process orchestration solution like Camunda with an observability solution like IBM Instana can break down these silos, help teams better understand their systems and react faster.

Take the next step

IBM Instana Observability gives everyone across the enterprise user-friendly access to the data they want with the context they need to deliver rapid issue prevention and remediation.

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