Home Network Hybrid Cloud Mesh Network follows the application
Discover how simple application mobility can be when the network follows the application
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Illustration and screenshot showing functions inside IBM Hybrid Cloud Mesh
The “set and forget” era is over 

For years, a common practice when setting up network connectivity was to “set and forget.” In the world of hybrid cloud networks and transient applications, “set and forget” means connectivity that will work one day, but not the next. A new paradigm is needed.  

IBM® Hybrid Cloud Mesh delivers a new paradigm where the network follows the application, helping enterprises in their cloud journey with simple and automated workflows. Leverage the flexibility and freedom to easily move applications around cloud locations and address the transient nature of resilient applications while: 

  • Minimizing service disruptions while moving applications 
  • Avoiding cloud vendor lock-in 
  • Facilitating the cloud journey and application modernization


Related resources Solution brief

Simple, secured and predictable application-centric connectivity

Optimize migrations

Optimize application migration cost and time.

Streamline migration

Streamline migration enablement through a single portal.

Maintain continuity

Maintain business continuity by minimizing service disruption from migrations.

Improve operational efficiency
Move applications with ease

In a “network follows the application” paradigm, IBM Hybrid Cloud Mesh ensures application performance, resiliency, and user experience. With automated, policy-based reprovisioning of connectivity for transient applications, the platform removes key roadblocks for hybrid cloud adoption.

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