Home Asset management Envizi Emissions Management
Accurately calculate and report GHG emissions and track progress towards decarbonization goals with GHG emissions management software
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Simplify your GHG reporting with emissions management software

Emissions management software from IBM® Envizi™ integrates a suite of products that help accurately calculate, track and report on your Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data at a granular level.

These products help set decarbonization targets, track progress towards emissions-reduction goals and clearly identify areas to focus your emissions-reduction efforts.

Key features across the emissions management suite of products include:

  • Reporting on all GHGs including CO₂, CH₄, N₂O, HFCs, PFCs, SF₆, NF₃
  • Custom emissions factors
  • Currency and metric conversions
  • Market and location-based emissions reporting
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IBM Envizi Essentials trial

Explore the modules

Scope 1, 2 GHG Accounting + Reporting

Scope 3 GHG Accounting + Reporting

Target Setting + Tracking

Emissions Management software modules
Emissions Management Scope 1, 2 GHG Accounting + Reporting Prepare Scope 1, 2 emissions data for compliance and voluntary ESG reporting frameworks with an extensive platform built on the GHG Protocol. Explore module

Emissions Management Scope 3 GHG Accounting + Reporting Calculate Scope 3 upstream and downstream GHG emissions across your organization using methods supported by the GHG Protocol. Explore module Interactive demo available

Emissions Management Target Setting + Tracking Set your energy and emissions-reduction targets and track your performance to accelerate the delivery of your decarbonization goals. Explore module

Emissions Management Supply Chain Intelligence Engage your suppliers and streamline your Scope 3 – Category 1 emissions calculations to meet reporting requirements and optimize performance. Explore module
Take the Scope 3 interactive demo
New Generate Scope 3 emissions insights related to purchased goods and services. An open, interactive demo where you follow a Sustainability Analyst preparing to disclose Scope 3 emissions using Envizi. Take the interactive demo
What you can do Simplify audit and assurance

Provide auditors with login access to a robust system that contains all supporting data, documents and audit trails.

Reduce risk

Finance-grade data management tools, maintained factor sets and best-in-class factor selection algorithm produce calculations you can rely on.

Streamline data capture

Allow value chain stakeholders to submit ESG data directly into a portal, helping you integrate this data into a single system of record.

Transcend metrics and currencies

Supports multicurrency and metric reporting while enabling easy conversion to standard units for simplified reporting.

Manage and track performance

Set GHG emissions-reduction targets and track performance against them—all in one system.

Report with confidence

A single system of record to report to stakeholders, underpinned by data health check analytics and audit trails.

Ready to transform your ESG reporting?

Get a closer look at IBM Envizi to learn more about how this ESG management suite can help accelerate your ESG strategy.

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More ways to explore Guide to GHG emissions accounting Why carbon accounting matters Net zero explained