Home IT automation DevOps Test IBM DevOps Test Hub

Web-based continuous testing platform to run application programming interface (API), functional and performance tests.

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Improve performance with this web-based continuous testing platform built on modern, cloud native technologies that enable test teams to run a breadth of tests including API, UI-layer and performance tests and benefit from a complete view of test progress. IBM® DevOps Test Hub is built on Docker for easy deployment. You can scale your testing on cloud or on-premise systems with native Docker, Kubernetes, IBM Red Hat® OpenShift® and IBM Red Hat Enterprise Linux® support.

How Test Hub works Web-based continuous testing platform

Built on Docker, easily deploy DevOps Test Hub on premise, cloud, Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift platform.

Role-based access and security

Use a comprehensive, role-based access control scheme on the server that allows project owners to grant user permissions by role type.

Server-based test runs

Run tests directly from a web browser by using transient Docker containers.

Performance agent connection

Connect existing performance agents to an automated running schedules and accelerated functional testing (AFT) suites on your current infrastructure.

Statistical data overview

Get a quick and simple insight on the state of testing for your projects through the IBM DevOps Test Hub's overview page.

Reports and Resource Monitoring Service access

Get unified test results for better business decisions through reports and the Resource Monitoring Service that provide a direct relationship with their related projects.

Test data authoring

Promote cross-collaboration though fully concurrent editing of test data sets directly from DevOps Test Hub.

DevOps tools integration

Integrate DevOps Test Hub with various DevOps tools such as IBM DevOps Deploy, Jenkins, or Microsoft Azure DevOps to get more value from your DevOps pipelines. Use IBM DevOps Deploy to define a deployment process that automatically triggers test case runs and IBM DevOps Velocity to review test insights based off the previous test runs.

Next Steps

Learn more about IBM DevOps Test services.

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