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Illustration representing elements of the IBM Databand user interface
What is IBM Databand? 

In this overview video, learn how Databand provides the only proactive approach to data observability, so you can catch bad data before it impacts your business. 


Interactive demo tour Try an interactive product tour of Databand to see how easy it is to create and debug data incident alerts and get started with dashboards and reports. Try the interactive demo to see Databand in action Create an incident alert

Learn how to create and customize a data pipeline duration alert for real time detection and notification when a run is delayed. 

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Debug & resolve an alert

Learn how to assess a detected anomalous pipeline run, quickly drill into failed tasks and investigate the root cause. 

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Analyze reports & dashboards

Learn about the powerful managerial tools available to understand the operational health across all pipelines and keep them running smoothly. 

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Short demos  How to set up data pipeline alerts with Databand

Learn how to set alert notifications for data pipeline errors such as failed runs, longer than expected durations, missing data operations and unexpected schema changes.

How to analyze and resolve data pipeline incidents with Databand

In this demo you’ll see how Databand can be used to analyze a failed Airflow pipeline and pinpoint the root cause of any data incident.

How to set up a data set alert with Databand

In this demo, learn how to create a data SLA alert with Databand, including column changes, null records and much more.

How to create Databand groups for role-based access controls

This demo shows how using groups makes it easier for users to focus on the most relevant alerts and navigate between different platform assets.

How to use automated data lineage with Databand

This video demonstrates how Databand provides end-to-end data lineage to diagnose pipeline failures and analyze downstream impacts.

Integration demos  IBM DataStage and Databand integration

In this video, we show how Databand alerts DataStage users of a run duration incident and gives root cause analysis to resolve future DataStage flows.

Databricks and Spark observability with Databand

In this video, we show you how to connect Databand with your Databricks cluster for continuous data observability.

Snowflake data observability and data quality alerts with Databand

Databand and Snowflake integration allows for data-at-rest monitoring by applying out-of-the-box data quality alerts on Snowflake tables.

dbt alerting and monitoring with Databand

With Databand, you can define alerts on dbt tests, models and jobs to receive alerts when dbt processes fail. Databand helps you debug and fix the dbt failure faster.

Azure Data Factory (ADF) observability integration

Integrating ADF with IBM Databand provides continuous observability across your data factories so you can know when an ADF pipeline breaks and how to fix it quickly.

Live demos  Data Observability: Beyond the Hype

In this DATAcated takeover, Ryan Yackel, IBM Databand CMO, and Eric Jones, Enterprise Solutions Architect at IBM, demonstrate real-world data observability in action.

Lights on Data Podcast: Data observability vs. data quality

Join Ryan Yackel, IBM Databand CMO, and Stephanie Valarezo, IBM Senior Product Manager, as they unravel the crucial distinctions between data observability and data quality.

Real-World Data Observability in Action!

In this hands-on workshop, Ryan Yackel, IBM Databand CMO, and Eric Jones, Enterprise Solutions Architect at IBM, walk you through some real-world data observability use cases.

On-demand webinars  Re-imagine data observability with Databand

IBM experts discuss why everyone is talking about data observability, review what’s needed for proactive data observability and demo Databand's data observability in action.

How IBM revolutionizes observing data pipelines with Databand

Join Data Engineering’s Andreas Kretz and IBM Databand’s CMO, Ryan Yackel, as they discuss all aspects of data observability and how Databand helps detect data incidents earlier and resolve them faster.

How to Strengthen DataOps with Continuous Data Observability

In this webinar, learn how Databand covers the challenges most data engineers face with data quality and how data pipeline observability can strengthen your DataOps practices.

Take the next step

Implement proactive data observability with IBM Databand today so you can know when there’s a data health issue before your users do.

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