Home IT automation Concert Application Risk Management

Seamlessly manage and mitigate risks to your business applications, from vulnerabilities to certificate expirations

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IBM Concert empowers application owners and SREs to proactively prioritize, mitigate, and trace application vulnerabilities to ensure resilient operations.


IBM Concert® transforms how application owners address the risk management of their business applications. Powered by generative AI, Concert enables teams to deeply understand application operations and enhance their understanding of security vulnerability findings and their impact across applications. Unlike traditional approaches, Concert tailors actionable recommendations to each application, prioritizing resolutions based on their operational impact.

Benefits Gain full risk visibility

Consolidate the management of CVEs and security certificates into a single, interactive dashboard for complete visibility.

Prioritize risks based on impact

Enable focused and efficient risk mitigation with AI-driven analysis that ranks CVEs and certificates based on their impact.

Assess the impact of risks

Assess the "blast radius" of risks, offering insights into the operational impact of vulnerabilities and expiring certificates.

Get CVE mitigation recommendations

Get concrete suggestions for CVE mitigation using natural language, with instant deep dives into context and follow-on actions.

Connect existing tools for faster remediation

Turn suggested actions into actionable insights with seamless integrations into ServiceNow, Jira and GitHub, further reducing remediation time.

Apply learnings from past mitigation efforts

Show how CVEs have impacted your application over time and illustrate the impact of previous CVE mitigation efforts.

Take the next step

Get a live demo and begin to control your operations with generative AI insights.

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