Home Analytics Cognos Analytics Marketing analytics
Revolutionize customer insights with IBM Cognos Analytics for smarter business
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Illustration of people looking at marketing analytics on circular screen
Turn marketing insights into action

Get a more accurate picture of your customer demands and use data to drive customer satisfaction.

With IBM® Cognos® Analytics, you take advantage of built-in AI to ask plain-language questions and get better insights from data. Plus, you can optimize marketing investments with data-driven decisions.

Open a marketing dashboard
Get started with sample data, dashboards, reports and more
What you can do
Visualize promotional marketing results

See a sample dashboard that analyzes the performance of a marketing promotion.

See dashboard

Map website traffic

This sample dashboard leverages client-side mapping to display 2016 website visit data in California for the fictional Sample Outdoors Company website.

Explore dashboard

  Describe website traffic with maps

This samples demonstrates client-side mapping in a report. Explore 2016 website visits by zip code in California.

See dashboard
Take the next step

Get started with a free trial of IBM® Cognos® Analytics or request a live demo with an IBM expert and discuss how it can address your specific business needs.

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