It is IBM's policy to not pay a supplier for services without obtaining a taxpayer identification number. To prevent a possible delay in payments, suppliers need to fax a completed W-9 form to IBM Accounts Payable at 607-429-4214. This form needs to be sent to IBM® for new suppliers as well as suppliers that have any changes to the entity, TIN or SSN. You can obtain the latest W-9 tax forms by clicking on the provided links. If you have any questions, please call Accounts Payable at 607-429-4848.
See also: IRS forms and instructions W9 request for tax payer number form
The exemption certificates should only be used for purchases that are exempted by the law or that are intended for resale (lease) by IBM or IBM Credit LLC. IBM does not currently issue blanket exemption certificates; therefore, all exemption certificates on this website refer to individual purchases.
If you are a supplier who needs different settings or specific requirements regarding the contents of our exemption certificates, please contact a buyer. Buyer information can be obtained by visiting How to become a supplier.
Sales and use tax exemption certificates are required for each individual state or multi-state resale certificates. All purchase orders (POs) should include a note about the Usage Clause.
Sales and use tax exemption certificates are required for each individual state or multi-state resale certificates. All POs should include a note about the Usage Clause.
See PO for taxability:
See PO for taxability: