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IBM statement on U.S. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
May 16,2022

IBM Encouraged by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Movement, Urges Bipartisan Dialogue


Washington, D.C., May 16, 2022 – IBM (NYSE: IBM) issued the following statement from David Barnes, Vice President, Global Workforce Policy, IBM, in response to the consideration of H.R. 7309, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2022 before the U.S. House of Representatives:


“As America emerges from the pandemic and continues to grapple with economic recovery in a post-COVID world, it’s critical for policymakers to take every opportunity to improve the U.S. workforce system and help students, job seekers, and current workers acquire in demand skills to secure good-paying jobs.


“WIOA is the nation’s primary workforce development law but has not been updated since 2014 and no longer meets the demands of today’s economy. IBM welcomes efforts by Congress to modernize WIOA and the legislation being considered by the House of Representatives this week represents a starting point. We’re encouraged to see an increase in federal investment for workforce development, skills-based hiring, and public-private partnerships through the Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grant program.


“But additional, bipartisan reforms are needed to truly modernize our workforce development system and ensure the U.S. emerges from this global pandemic stronger and more resilient. IBM calls on Congress to increase alignment between workforce training programs and the skills needed by employers, expand access to employer-based on-the-job training, and dedicate a minimum of 50% of Individual Spending Accounts to job training. We also recommend establishing a learning and employment records infrastructure to share, recognize, and verify job skills beyond the traditional college degree or resume.


“We thank the House Committee Education and Labor for initiating this meaningful conversation on modernizing workforce development policy. As this bill moves through the legislative process, we urge Congress to advance bipartisan reforms that will boost our economy and provide economic mobility for all Americans.”



-David Barnes

Vice President, Global Workforce Policy, IBM






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