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IBM Policy Lab Q&A: Chris Fechner, CEO, Australian Digital Transformation Agency
Jun 02,2023

One of the main challenges facing governments is that many of them have “evolved into silos whereas citizens and businesses expect the government to be a single enterprise,” says Chris Fechner, CEO of Australian Digital Transformative Agency. At the same time, as governments and businesses look to harness their data to drive digital transformation, they’re faced with a sprawl of data across disparate locations, clouds and, in some cases, vendors.


Last month, Fechner joined IBM’s Nicholas Flood, Managing Director of IBM Australia and VP of Technology, for an IBM Policy Lab Q&A to discuss how the Australian government is currently using and investing in technology, and how it can continue to adapt in an increasingly digital world. They also discussed what governments can learn from one another and the challenges they face to deliver quality services to their citizens.


Watch the full discussion below.


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