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Category : uncategorized
The IBM Policy Lab’s 10 Recommendations for Stronger Cloud Security Policies


January 9, 2023
Categories: Cybersecurity, Hybrid Cloud, Policy Lab Perspectives
IBM Statement on the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022


December 20, 2022
Categories: Policy Positions
IBM Statement on the Respect for Marriage Act Signing


December 13, 2022
Categories: Diversity and Inclusion, Good Tech, Workforce Policy
IBM Applauds Senate Passage of the Respect for Marriage Act


November 29, 2022
Categories: Workforce Policy
Precision Regulation for Data-Driven Business Models

IBM suggests a new approach for policymakers to specifically examine the ways in which different consumer-facing data-driven business models pose different kinds of risks. 

November 21, 2022
Categories: Policy Lab Perspectives, Privacy, Trust & Transparency
DORA is a chance for financial services to make its digital transformation count

As the financial services sector prepares for 2023, how can the EU's DORA regulation help financial services companies become more digitally resilient? 

November 17, 2022
Categories: Cybersecurity, Europe, Hybrid Cloud, Policy Positions