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Category : uncategorized
The EU AI Act Is About to Hit the Books: Compliance Steps You Need to Know


May 30, 2024
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Europe, Policy Positions
IBM Demonstrates Commitment to Secure by Design Practices to Enhance Cybersecurity


May 8, 2024
Categories: Cybersecurity
IBM statement on the ACCESS Act


April 10, 2024
Categories: Workforce Policy
IBM statement on A Stronger Workforce for America Act


April 9, 2024
Categories: Statements & Reactions, Workforce Policy
IBM's Response to NTIA’s Request for Comment on Dual Use Foundation Artificial Intelligence Models with Widely Available Model Weights


March 26, 2024
Categories: Artificial Intelligence
IBM's Public Comment on Draft Emerging Technology Prioritization Framework


March 12, 2024
Categories: Artificial Intelligence