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Driving growth, trust and innovation in the digital economy.
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IBM’s Reaction to President Biden’s Call for Police Reform


February 8, 2023
Categories: Diversity and Inclusion
IBM welcomes bipartisan House bills to modernize the workforce system


December 7, 2023
Categories: Policy Positions, Workforce Policy
IBM welcomes the Senate’s draft NO FAKES Act


December 14, 2023
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Policy Positions, Trust & Transparency
The EU AI Act Is About to Hit the Books: Compliance Steps You Need to Know


May 30, 2024
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Europe, Policy Positions
Science Forward: Unlocking Opportunity Through Innovation

From putting a man on the Moon to the creation of the Internet, partnership-based approaches to science and innovation yield massive, society-changing results. 

May 6, 2021
Categories: Emerging Technology
Precision Regulation for Data-Driven Business Models

IBM suggests a new approach for policymakers to specifically examine the ways in which different consumer-facing data-driven business models pose different kinds of risks. 

November 21, 2022
Categories: Policy Lab Perspectives, Privacy, Trust & Transparency


At IBM we engage in policy, not politics. We work directly with policymakers globally and always aim to come to the table with ideas that are new, thoughtful and pragmatic.” 

– Christopher A. Padilla, Vice President, IBM Government and Regulatory Affairs

Government & Regulatory Affairs

Engaging in worldwide policy advocacy to drive growth and innovation in the digital economy. With dedicated resources in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia, IBM is driven by the mutual objectives of global consistency and local relevancy.

IBM Policy Lab Positions

The IBM Policy Lab is a forum providing policymakers with a vision and actionable recommendations to harness the benefits of innovation while ensuring trust in a world being reshaped by data. 

Principles for Trust & Transparency

For more than a century, IBM has earned the trust of our clients by responsibly managing their most valuable data, and we have worked to earn the trust of society by ushering powerful new technologies into the world responsibly and with clear purpose. 

Philosophy & Governance

IBM’s core values include a commitment to trust and personal responsibility and a pursuit of innovation that matters to our company and the world. Our values reflect the corporation’s long-standing policy against political contributions of any kind, even when permitted by law. 

Subscribe to the IBM Policy Lab Newsletter

The IBM Policy Lab bi-weekly newsletter covers the world's most pressing tech policy topics, from AI to quantum to 5G. Authored by IBM Policy Lab co-directors Jean-Marc Leclerc, in Brussels, and Ryan Hagemann, in D.C., you'll also receive our latest IBM Policy Lab white papers and tech policy news from around the world.