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IBM Welcomes House Bill to Better Prepare U.S. Students for Career Success
Jun 28,2016

Washington, D.C. – IBM today released the following statement welcoming bipartisan legislation introduced in the House of Representatives that would better align U.S. education with in-demand career skills:

“This legislation reminds all of us that preparing America’s students with the skills to succeed in promising, high-wage careers is a priority that transcends partisan politics. There is no issue more connected to U.S. competitiveness than equipping our nation’s youth with the academic and workplace skills needed for 21st century jobs. By updating and reauthorizing the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, Congress has an opportunity to ensure our students achieve strong academic and career preparation in the nation’s fastest growing industries.

Our country needs to make innovative educational programs the rule, not the exception. IBM and education leaders across the country have seen first-hand the impact of teaching that is truly aligned with the needs of the job market. The P-TECH program, for example, brings together the best of high-school, college and career training. What started with one school in Brooklyn, championed by IBM and education leaders, has spread to six states and Australia with more than 250 industry partners.

Passing a modernized Perkins Act will build on this momentum to better equip today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs. We applaud Chairman Kline (R-MN) and Ranking Member Scott (D-VA) for their leadership on behalf of America’s youth. IBM, together with the hundreds of members of the Perkins Coalition, will be working hard to see this bill signed into law.”

– Stanley S. Litow, Vice President, IBM Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs


Media Contacts:
Adam R. Pratt                    Angie Hu
Ph: (202) 551-9625            Ph: (917) 841-0354 

Download the Statement (PDF, 279 KB)

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