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IBM statement on the ACCESS Act
Apr 10,2024

IBM, today, issued the following statement from Timi Hadra, Client Partner and Senior Executive for West Virginia, IBM Consulting, regarding the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Accountability’s vote on the Allowing Contractors to Choose Employees for Select Skills (ACCESS) Act:


“For over a decade, IBM has championed a skills-first approach to hiring and workforce development. And more recently, as the adoption of artificial intelligence has accelerated, we’ve called for Congress to double down on actionable ways to ensure the federal workforce is ready to safely procure, govern, and effectively implement AI tools with an adequately skilled staff.


“With the introduction and consideration today of the ACCESS Act in the House, we’re thrilled to see that Congress has heard our calls to scale skills-first hiring in the federal government by removing four-year degree requirements for federal contractors. This bipartisan bill would help to fill more open jobs in critical sectors such as IT and cybersecurity, open pathways to meaningful and well-paid jobs for more Americans, and help grow a more diverse and talented U.S. workforce. IBM thanks Chairwoman Mace and Rep. Krishnamoorthi for their leadership on this key bill and hope to see it advance for a full House vote.”


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