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IBM Letter of Support for Supercomputing R&D Funding Legislation
Feb 11,2015

IBM today sent a letter to Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Congressman Randy Hultgren (R-IL), commending their bipartisan, bicameral effort to strengthen U.S. leadership in supercomputing innovation.

The Honorable Lamar Alexander
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Randy Hultgren
United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Senator Alexander and Congressman Hultgren,

IBM applauds your introduction today of separate but similar legislation in both houses of Congress that would fund discovery-driving investments in the next generation of U.S. supercomputers.

Your bipartisan, bicameral effort to sustain funding for the Department of Energy’s Advanced Computing Science Research program recognizes the vital role supercomputing R&D has played in countless scientific discoveries that touch our daily lives. These advanced systems have powered breakthroughs in everything from fuel efficient cars to the workings of the human brain.

We commend you both for reaching across the aisle and across Capitol Hill to ensure that a new breed of U.S. supercomputers, developed through seamless government, industry and academic collaboration, continues expanding the frontiers of human discovery in the age of big data.

IBM is proud to have played a long-standing role in efforts by the U.S. Government, and the national laboratories in particular, to develop the world’s most advanced computing systems. We will be providing any and all support to secure passage of this bipartisan legislation by the 114th Congress.


Christopher A. Padilla
Vice President,
IBM Government and Regulatory Affairs


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