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IBM Letter Opposing North Carolina's Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Apr 07,2015

IBM today sent North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory a letter expressing the company’s strong opposition to a state bill that would, if enacted, enable discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation or identity.

The Honorable Pat McCrory
Office of the Governor
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-0301

Dear Governor McCrory,

I am writing to express IBM’s strong opposition to S.B. 550, the North Carolina Religious Freedom Restoration Act. We welcomed the reports of your opposition to the bill, and wanted to make you aware of IBM’s point of view on this important matter.

IBM has a large number of employees and retirees in North Carolina and is gravely concerned that this legislation, if enacted, would enable discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation or identity. We call on members of the Legislature to defeat this bill.

Our perspective is grounded in IBM’s 104-year history and our deep legacy of diversity and inclusion — a legacy to which we remain strongly committed today. IBM is opposed to discrimination against anyone on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation or religion. We urge you to work with the Legislature to ensure that any legislation in this area is not discriminatory.

Thank you for considering our views.


Robert Greenberg
IBM Senior State Executive, North Carolina

Click here to download the letter.

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