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IBM Applauds Executive Order Expanding U.S. Apprenticeship Programs
Jun 15,2017

Washington, D.C. – IBM (NYSE: IBM) today issued the following statement on a Trump Administration Executive Order designed to expand apprenticeship programs:

“Apprenticeships are a proven and effective way to prepare more students for successful careers, including New Collar roles where a Bachelor’s degree is not always required. IBM welcomes the Trump Administration’s focus on helping more students and workers build the in-demand skills these roles require, and to closing the skills gap that impacts American businesses of all sizes across all industries.

Expanding access to apprenticeships and other 21st century skills training programs is a top priority for IBM. Our innovative P-TECH education model is on track to touch 20,000 U.S. students across six states, and we have recently committed to growing skills training partnerships with community colleges across the country. The additional $100 million that this order seeks to invest will go a long way towards expanding these kinds of initiatives.

While this order is a positive step, Congressional action in this space also remains critical to bringing U.S. skills education in line with the needs of America’s high-tech employers. IBM will continue advocating aggressively for swift Congressional passage of a bill, currently pending action in the House, that would modernize U.S. career and technical education. We look forward to working closely with leaders in Washington and in communities nationwide to help America build the skilled workforce we need to compete and win on the global stage.”

– Christopher A. Padilla, Vice President, IBM Government and Regulatory Affairs


Media Contact:
Adam R. Pratt
Ph: (202) 551-9625

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