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IBM’s Response to EU Agreement on Legislation Regarding the Free Flow of Data
Jun 20,2018

We understand the European Parliament, European Commission and EU Member States have reached an agreement on legislation that will enable the free flow of data across the European Union. Free flow of data is vital for European innovation, for the growth of businesses of all sizes and for achieving a Digital Single Market.

IBM has been at the forefront of this discussion for the past two years, and while we wait for the final text of the agreement to make a full assessment, we commend the political leadership shown by European Commission Vice-President Ansip and MEP Anna Maria Corazza Bildt in particular. Credit must also go to MEP Dita Charanzova, and to the Polish government for leading a group of like-minded governments to put an end to the damaging data localisation trend in the European Union.

We now hope that the EU approach will become a global standard for ending unnecessary data localization, and that the approach will be reflected in the EU’s international trade agreements.

Liam Benham
Vice President, Government and Regulatory Affairs
IBM Europe

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