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IBM Welcomed FY21 Budget that Expands Investments in Industries of the Future & New Collar Jobs
Feb 10,2020

IBM today welcomed two significant increases that are included in the Administration’s FY 2021 budget proposal. The budget would expand investment in training for New Collar Jobs and accelerate U.S. innovation in artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

Quote on Doubling Investment in Quantum & AI
“IBM applauds the administration’s commitment to double down on artificial intelligence and quantum technologies. These two fields are powering a new age of Accelerated Discovery and are foundational to the nation’s security and prosperity.”
– Dr. Dario Gil, Director of IBM Research

Quote on Expanded Funding for Perkins Career and Technical Education Act
“IBM welcomes the proposed expansion of funding for the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act. There are many pathways to learning new collar skills that employers are looking for, such as new education models like P-TECH. Increased funding for Perkins would help more American students access these pathways to 21st century careers.”
– Chris Padilla, Vice President of Government & Regulatory Affairs, IBM

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