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IBM Statement on the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022
Dec 20,2022

“In the aftermath of the shocking events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, IBM called for bipartisan reforms to enhance trust in our democracy, highlighting the need to reform the Presidential transition process to reduce reliance on historical norms and customs to ensure an effective handoff of power following a Presidential election. We therefore welcome the inclusion of the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022 in the omnibus appropriations bill introduced last night and call for its swift passage. This measure will update and strengthen the post-Presidential election democratic framework. We applaud the leadership of Senator Collins and Manchin, who crafted this bill over months of careful negotiations, and the bipartisan group of 35 Senators who supported this bill. We also recognize the leadership of Rep. Lofgren and Rep Cheney on a House companion proposal. IBM will continue to advocate for actions to strengthen our democracy, and we look forward to enactment of this bill into law.” 


– -Christopher A. Padilla, Vice President, IBM Government and Regulatory Affairs



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