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IBM Statement Welcoming new US-Japan Partnership on Semiconductors
May 24,2022

Washington, D.C., May 24, 2022 – IBM (NYSE: IBM) today issued the following statement from IBM Senior Vice President and Director of Research Dario Gil, welcoming a new U.S.-Japan Joint Statement that includes a bilateral partnership on semiconductors:


“Today we welcome the joint U.S.-Japan commitment to deepen our decades-long partnership with a new focus on building supply chain resiliency through advanced semiconductor research and development.


“As the U.S. considers initiatives to forge semiconductor resilience, investments to boost both production and advanced R&D need to be coordinated between the U.S. and like-minded allies.


“IBM thanks the Biden administration and the Japanese government for their continued work on this critical issue, and we look forward to collaborating and innovating with our allies around the world to ensure we maintain a steady and secure supply of chips.”


-Dario Gil, IBM Senior Vice President and Director of Research




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