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IBM Praises White House Report on the Future and Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
Oct 12,2016

Washington, D.C. – IBM, a pioneer in the advancement of artificial intelligence, today welcomed the release of a White House report on the future and promise of this exciting technology:

“We commend the Administration, and the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in particular, for launching an open and inclusive dialogue that helped shape today’s report. The document recognizes what IBM has believed all along, that artificial intelligence (AI), or cognitive computing systems like IBM Watson, will jump start economic opportunity and help solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges.

The report’s authors clearly acknowledge the view that government should proceed thoughtfully, and preserve an environment where artificial intelligence can evolve through both innovation and beneficial real-world deployments. This approach was successful in the early days of the internet, and we believe the same will hold true for AI.

By focusing on the need to prepare America’s workforce for the era of AI, OSTP has flagged what IBM views as one of the most important steps policy makers can and should take right now. America is struggling with a high-tech skills gap. Promising new models like the P-TECH program, pioneered by IBM with governors across the country, are striving to better align U.S. education with the skills Americans need to secure high-quality, high-wage jobs. Unfortunately, these programs today are the exception, not the rule, in U.S. education. Congress and the President can change that before the end of the current Administration by enacting a bill, passed by an overwhelming bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives, to reform and modernize U.S. career and technical education training.

Embedding ethical training into computer science education, as the report recommends, is a positive way to prepare the next generation of technology experts to appropriately guide the advancement of AI systems.

We also welcome the report’s emphasis on ways the U.S. government can play a direct role in moving AI technology forward. Public investment in advanced, AI-focused research and development programs can play a catalyzing role every bit as pivotal as past efforts focused on space exploration, semiconductors and supercomputing.

Finally, the report rightly recognizes the potential for AI to help address strategic national priorities. Cybersecurity is one area in particular where IBM agrees that AI can be a true game-changer, and one where we are actively preparing IBM Watson to make a real and tangible difference in the push to better defend America’s digital networks.

This report is thoughtful. Its recommendations are prudent and appropriate given the state of the technology. IBM is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to OSTP’s exploration of the state and future of AI, and we applaud the Administration for elevating its role in our national dialogue. IBM firmly believes AI can be one of America’s most powerful economic differentiators in the 21st century, and beyond.”

– Christopher A. Padilla, Vice President, IBM Government and Regulatory Affairs


Media Contact:
Adam R. Pratt
Ph: (202) 551-9625


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