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IBM Reaction to Safe Harbor Ruling by European Court of Justice
Oct 06,2015

Following a ruling today by the European Court of Justice, IBM urged U.S. and E.U. leaders to act quickly to ensure data flows vital to trans-Atlantic commerce continue uninterrupted.

Brussels and Washington, D.C. – IBM today issued the following statement in response to a ruling today by the European Court of Justice:

“The free movement of data across borders is the foundation of the global economy, facilitating everything from financial services and manufacturing to shipping and retail. Today’s ruling by the European Court of Justice jeopardizes these vital data flows and will negatively impact attempts to create a Digital Single Market in the European Union. Instead, this ruling raises the likelihood of a highly uncoordinated approach to Internet regulation in Europe, creating significant commercial uncertainty at a time when many European economies remain fragile.

“IBM urges governments on both sides of the Atlantic, and Data Protection Authorities across Europe, to ensure swift and robust measures are taken to guarantee unbroken data flows between the European Union and the United States.”

– Christopher A. Padilla, Vice President, IBM Government and Regulatory Affairs


Media Contact:

Adam R. Pratt

Ph: (202) 551-9625

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